Chapter 176 Poison Tongue 1

As soon as Ye Yayan took Lei Shuiqing's hand, Luo Lihao took a picture of her.

"Big man, what are you doing, let's go!" After speaking, Luo Lihao pulled Ye Yayan forward, completely ignoring Lei Shuiqing's twitching lips.

Lei Shuiqing looked at the two people pulling together in front of him, his eyes were full of confusion.

Big man, pulling or something, isn't this yourselves?
From just now, it seems that the hands of these two people have never been separated. Isn't it suitable for him to say this?
"Don't leave yet, do you want to wait for the snakes to engulf you?" Ye Yayan urged Lei Shuiqing to follow, you know, the formation she formed won't last long.

After all, her strength is placed there, and the spiritual power in her body can only last for a while.

"Hehe..." Seeing Ye Yayan and the others move forward, the man in black didn't do anything, but smiled and watched them move forward.

Ye Yayan frowned, and looked at the man in black strangely. Did he know that his spiritual power was limited?

"Lei Shuiqing, hurry up!" The spiritual power in his body was almost exhausted, so Ye Yayan swallowed a Guyuan Pill, and the spiritual power in his body was immediately energized after the pill was consumed.

However, this is not a long-term solution at all.

A elixir might be able to restore her exhausted spiritual power, but over time, if she took the elixir again, it would have no effect.

So, now, the top priority is to leave immediately.

But, would the man in black let them leave in peace?
Of course not!
If they could be allowed to leave safely, they would not have appeared before.

Now, what he did was just to make them happy in advance.

If he lets them leave, he will lose face!
Sure enough, not long after they left, a swarm of snakes appeared in front of them again. Compared with the previous poisonous snakes, the poisonous snakes that appeared now were more poisonous, and the terrible thing was that the spiritual power in Ye Yayan's body was almost exhausted.

"This..." Lei Shuiqing looked at the poisonous snake that suddenly appeared, with despair in his eyes.

Before, he thought that with his own strength, he could kill all the poisonous snakes, but he didn't expect that the poisonous snakes are not calculated in hundreds and thousands. There are no less than ten thousand of these poisonous snakes that appear now, which is impossible to kill. do!

And he could also see that the spiritual power in Ye Yayan's body had been exhausted. If they didn't come up with a proper solution, they might have to give up their lives here.

"Run away, run away, let me see where you can escape to!" The man in black's voice was full of madness. In his opinion, these three people were just like the previous group of people, purely looking for death , since they spared their lives, don't blame him for being cruel.

He did it on purpose for them to escape from the snakes just now. He likes to see the despair in people's eyes the most, especially when he sees disappointment after hope is over!
"Does this person with a depraved physique have brain problems?" Before, when Luo Lihao told Ye Yayan that the person in front of him had a degenerated physique, his voice was so soft that no third person knew about it. However, now, Ye Yayan deliberately Amplify the sound, even a deaf person may be able to hear it, not to mention the man in black.

No, upon hearing Ye Yayan's words, the expression of the man in black changed suddenly.

The corrupt physique was the last thing he wanted to hear, and the last thing he wanted to be mentioned.

Because of this physique, he has suffered so much and suffered so much. If it wasn't for this physique, why would he have become like this!
The monstrous hatred was released from the body of the man in black!
(End of this chapter)

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