Chapter 177 Poison Tongue 2
Got it!

After Lei Shuiqing noticed the murderous aura around the man in black, he secretly said bad.

How could he never have thought that Ye Yayan would have such a vicious tongue, but at this moment, he would speak out regardless of the occasion.

He also has some understanding of the depraved physique, and it is precisely because of his understanding that he knows why the man in black has such a murderous look.

Now they are meat on other people's chopping boards, they are slaughtered by others, and they must not do anything exciting.

Ye Yayan was good, not only irritated, but also sprinkled salt on other people's wounds, wouldn't this drive them to death?

Judging by the posture of the man in black, if he doesn't kill them all, I'm afraid he won't give up.

"I don't know if there is a problem with his brain, but I know that this person has no brains since he was a child!" Luo Lihao is really worse than Ye Yayan, this is definitely not rubbing salt on the wound , but straight to the heart!
Even he found it unbearable to hear it, let alone the person involved.

This night Ye Yayan and Luo Lihao are really friends, and their ability to stimulate people is second to none!
Didn't they realize that the man in black was on the verge of going berserk?
Lei Shuiqing felt that he should stay away from them, otherwise, he would not even know how he died.

"" The man in black was so angry that Ye Yayan and Luo Lihao sang and was speechless.

He never thought that there are such annoying people in the world.

"No brains, how can I live like this? Could it be that a pig's brain was transplanted?" As soon as Ye Yayan's words came out, Lei Shuiqing couldn't help but burst out laughing. With this smile, he secretly said again No sound.

Fortunately, all the mental power of the man in black is now concentrated on Ye Yayan, and he has not moved to the side at all. Naturally, his laughter has not attracted the attention of the man in black.

"En!" Luo Lihao made a concluding statement with the word "um".

Attack, do it!
At this time, the man in black was completely irrational, he completely disrupted his arrangement, and all of a sudden, the poisonous snake attacked Ye Yayan and the three of them, the speed was so fast that Lei Shuiqing was stunned for a moment .

Fortunately, he had made preparations before, otherwise, these poisonous snakes would have a close contact with him.

However, what he didn't expect was that these poisonous snakes didn't attack him directly, but stayed in mid-air.

Stranded in mid-air!

This was completely unexpected by Lei Shuiqing.

Ye Yayan, how did you do it?
This time, Ye Yayan naturally used the formation again, and she had no choice but to do so without spiritual power.

And the reason why she and Luo Lihao sang together was to delay time, she needed enough time to lay down the formation.

"Good job, you guys!" The man in black naturally understood when he saw the poisonous snake being suspended in mid-air.

What surprised him was that Ye Yayan's formation skills were so high, and he was able to arrange the formation in such a short period of time, and even without him noticing it, this is really a level .

Of course, he will also make them pay the price, the price of humiliating him!
Now that the poisonous snake is trapped, he starts the second plan and attacks directly.

You know, his personal strength is not low!
"Lei Shuiqing, it's up to you this time!" After seeing the man in black attacking them directly, Ye Yayan and Luo Lihao moved to the side, giving way to Lei Shui Qing and the man in black face off!

(End of this chapter)

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