Chapter 185 Gods Blessing 3
As soon as Luo Lihao said this, Lei Shuiqing's eyes widened slightly.

Is he the only one who saw the blessings of the gods?

This is impossible!
He wasn't the only one in their Zhentian mercenary group who saw it. Others also saw the introduction on the parchment about the blessings of the gods and the source!

If so, does it mean that the parchment scrolls are also picky?
The parchment scroll suddenly appeared in their Zhentian mercenary group, and the contents inside were only understood by their Zhentian mercenary group?
This is really incredible!
After hearing Luo Lihao's words, Ye Yayan's eyes became brighter. Sure enough, it wasn't her eyes that had a problem, but that they agreed on the contents of the parchment.

"Li Hao, didn't you see that too?" Ye Yayan's bright eyes made Luo Lihao's face soften slightly.

Ye Yayan calling himself like this made his heart beat faster. Compared to brother Hao, he still likes her calling him like that!

"No!" He didn't see it, but he saw other content, but he won't tell Ye Yayan, he wants Ye Yayan to find out by himself.

Fortunately, Ye Yayan did not disappoint him. Even with such a weak strength, she still saw the strangeness of the parchment, not like Lei Shuiqing, who only saw the superficial phenomenon!
"If that's the case, there's nothing wrong with my eyes!" Ye Yayan believed that there was nothing wrong with her eyes, but she couldn't stand Lei Shuiqing's suspicious eyes. Luckily, she was accompanied by Luo Lihao.

"Of course there is something wrong with your eyes, but it just happened to meet you two!" Hearing Ye Yayan's words, Lei Shuiqing couldn't help complaining. Of course, he could only keep this sentence in his heart. Won't really say it.

If you say it, it's okay!

Ye Yayan engraved the contents of the parchment into her mind, and at the moment of forcibly remembering, some stars suddenly appeared in her consciousness, but at this time Ye Yayan didn't realize her The sea of ​​consciousness has changed.

"The blessings of the gods are all recorded in this parchment. If you haven't found it, then there is nothing you can do. Have you found anything else?" Since they didn't find this content, did they see something else?

When Lei Shuiqing asked this question, there was some excitement in his voice.

It would be nice if they actually saw everything they didn't.

"The stars are moving!" Ye Yayan was not a stingy person, and directly told what he saw.

This parchment is a thing of Lei Shuiqing, she does not need to hide what she saw, if this parchment is only her own, then she will choose to remain silent, but now, she will not.

"The stars move? How is this possible?" Lei Shuiqing didn't believe Ye Yayan's words at all, because he didn't see the stars on the parchment no matter whether he was falling from the top or from left to right A little will move.

Of this, he can be [-]% sure.

But now, Ye Yayan's words are telling him that the dots on the parchment scroll are movable, not forbidden.

If he hadn't heard this with his own ears, he would never have believed it. Even now, he still doesn't believe it.

"Yes, it can move!" Ye Yayan nodded with certainty.

There is another sentence that she didn't tell Lei Shuiqing, that is, staring at the parchment, she felt like she was looking up at the starry sky.

Ye Yayan also knew that even if she said it, Lei Shuiqing might not believe it!

(End of this chapter)

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