Chapter 186 Gods Blessing 4
Ye Yayan didn't know why he could see the moving stars, but he couldn't see the blessings of the gods on the parchment, it was probably like Lei Shuiqing, he could see the blessings of the gods on the parchment , but I can't see the stars moving.

Could it be that different people have different feelings when holding this parchment?

"You can ask other people to have a look!" This may be an unavoidable solution, at least for now, the two of them have different opinions, and Luo Lihao and Ye Yayan automatically pushed him aside.

"I will!" Lei Shuiqing will naturally look for other people to see if there is something wrong with their eyes, or Ye Yayan and Luo Lihao's eyes.


While they were talking, a humming sound came from the front.

With the previous experience, they didn't feel much when they heard the warbler's cry again.

However, what surprised them was that this time, what came out of the shadows was not some magical beast, but a half-human, half-beast.

The so-called half-human half-beast is because his head is that of a human, but his body is that of a monster.

" shouldn't have come in, that thing is something you can get!" The half-human, half-beast spoke directly, and Ye Yayan froze in place once he spoke.

Is this warning them?

Why, neither of these two took the initiative to launch an attack, but issued a warning from the beginning?

In that case, could she think that they didn't want a war, they just wanted them to leave?

"The blessings of the gods, we must get them!" Lei Shuiqing added "we" this time, which meant that neither Ye Yayan nor Luo Lihao could leave.

"Blessings of the gods, who told you?" After hearing Lei Shuiqing's words, the half-human and half-beast's eyes were full of surprise.

Obviously, what he said was completely different from what Lei Shuiqing was concerned about, otherwise, the half-human, half-animal face wouldn't be so surprised.

"There is no blessing from the gods here at all. Go back wherever you came from!" The half-human, half-beast face was full of disgust.

Originally, he thought that the three of Ye Yayan came here to take that thing, but he didn't expect that they came here just to take away the blessings of the gods, but, unfortunately, they didn't have the blessings of the gods here at all.

"No? How could there be no? It's clearly written in the records!" Lei Shuiqing couldn't possibly believe the half-human, half-beast. In his opinion, the half-human, half-beast must be lying to them.

He clearly saw the records of the blessings of the gods on the parchment, how could there be no such thing!

"If I say no, then there will be no. Now, get out of here immediately!" The half-human, half-beast became angry because Lei Shuiqing didn't believe it.

He never lied to anyone. If it wasn't for the critical moment, he might have done it long ago.

Ye Yayan believed 90.00% of the half-man, half-beast statement, and there was indeed no blessing from the gods here.

However, although there is no blessing from the gods, there are other things, and those things are very important to them, otherwise, he would not let them leave so easily.

They are not even willing to do it, probably because they want to save their strength to snatch the treasure in their eyes. If this is the case, if they leave, they will be too sorry for themselves.

Even if they can't get the treasure, at least they can take a look.

"Get out, hehe, we won't get out, not only won't get out, but we will stay!" Lei Shuiqing is sure that there are blessings from the gods here!
(End of this chapter)

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