Chapter 192 Difficult Choice 4
Although there is still a period of time before the birth of that key, it cannot hold back their urgency.

Now, there is no ambush along the way, I am afraid that they have all gathered in the center, waiting for the key to be released.

Thinking of this, the half-human, half-beast speeded up and moved forward like lightning.

"Can you tell me, what is that treasure?" Ye Yayan had been curious about the treasure in Luo Lihao's mouth from just now, but since there were outsiders present, she didn't ask.

"Things that are useful to you!" Actually, now, as long as they are treasures, they are very useful to Ye Yayan. With her current strength, it is really not enough.

"Of course I know that the treasure is useful to me. I just want to know whether it is really the blessing of the gods?" Ye Yayan does not think that there is no blessing of the gods in this place.

The half-human half-beast said no, but it did not mean that there was no. She believed that the blessings of the gods were just buried.

Although they didn't see anything about the blessings of the gods on the parchment, Ye Yayan also believed that what Lei Shuiqing saw was the truth.

Therefore, she guessed that the so-called treasure in Luo Lihao's mouth was the blessing of the gods!
"No!" Luo Lihao directly and decisively answered Ye Yayan's words.

It is indeed not the blessing of the gods, but compared to the blessing of the gods, it is even worse.

"Don't ask me what it is again. In short, it's good for you!" The blessings of the gods are just for blessing the world. With Yayan's luck, it is not difficult to find other things.

Of course, there is also the existence of the hell cat-Dark Wing.

Now that you've met it, there's no reason to miss it.

This time, take it away together!

At this time, An Yi, the cat of hell, still doesn't know what will happen to him, if he knew, he probably wouldn't dare to show himself in front of Ye Yayan.

Being spotted by a killing god is tantamount to seeking death. If Luo Lihao makes a move, even if it is a shadow beast, it will have no effect at all.

Along the way, none of the three spoke. Under the leadership of the half-human and half-beast, they were about to enter the central area soon, but at this moment, Ye Yayan stopped.

If she went so hastily, she would be joking with her own life. She had to have some certainty before she could enter the central area.

"Why don't you go in?" The half-human, half-beast was a little anxious. You know, there is only a quarter of an hour before the key is born. If you waste any more, I'm afraid he won't even be able to see the shadow of the key.

"I don't want to get the key, why are you in such a hurry! I'm saying, if I go in like this, I will definitely become their soul under the sword, I'm not that stupid!" Ye Yayan's purpose is not the key in their eyes.

If you go in now, you will definitely be killed by them, and it's not just one person's attack, but all of them.

In their eyes, she was an outsider who came to rob them of what they wanted.

You know, there is only one key, one more person, one more chance, they will not be so stupid to let Ye Yayan take a share.

Furthermore, Ye Yayan is also a smart person, and she would never take this muddy water on the premise of something she doesn't want at all.

Her current thinking is to let them eat dogs and fight first, and then, if she fishes in troubled waters, she may be able to take the treasure from under their noses.

Her purpose is just a treasure, and it does not conflict with their purpose of wanting the key!
(End of this chapter)

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