Chapter 193
"If you don't go, I have to go!" The half-human, half-beast was in a hurry, watching the time go by, he couldn't hold it anymore.

At the moment, just rush forward regardless.

However, what awaits him is the fate of death!

The cooperation between Ye Yayan and him is really like a short-lived epiphyllum, and disappears between heaven and earth as soon as it appears.

The half-human, half-beast never thought that they, who used to be comrades-in-arms, could swing at him with a knife, and even killed him before the key was born.

The moment he closed his eyes, he realized why Ye Yayan didn't come in so rashly.

It's a pity that regret has no effect, even if he wants to start over, it's impossible!
Because, time will not go backwards, no matter how regretful it is, it will not help!
For Ye Yayan, a quarter of an hour really flies by.

If it weren't for the impatient half-man and half-beast, he might still be able to live in this world now.

It's a pity that you can never eat hot tofu in a hurry.

Fortunately, Ye Yayan was aware of the situation and did not act rashly, otherwise, he might have ended up like a half-human, half-animal now.

A quarter of an hour later, Ye Yayan still did not act. She knew that if she went in now, she would be in dire straits, and she had to wait.

After another 5 minutes, Ye Yayan walked in.

Regarding Ye Yayan's action, Luo Lihao nodded slightly.

Such caution is much more rigorous than ordinary people!

With Ye Yayan at the front and Luo Lihao at the back, the two entered the central area one after the other.

As Ye Yayan had considered, the inside was really in dire straits, everyone was attacking each other, and no one was willing to be left behind.

A green key shuttled back and forth above everyone's heads, but no one touched the key.

The more this is the case, the more passionate everyone is.

The battle scenes are also getting more and more intense!

Ye Yayan watched the crowd's attack and nodded secretly. This is a good opportunity to steal the teacher.

Although she has countless exercises in her mind, she doesn't think there are too many, and this is still practical experience.

Everyone was fighting fiercely, but Ye Yayan watched eagerly.

Ye Yayan's arrival naturally caught everyone's attention, but they don't have time to talk about other things now.

It's too late for them to pay attention to each other's actions now, and they won't care about Ye Yayan.

Ye Yayan was also happy and at ease, stealing from a teacher, while rolling her eyeballs, she was looking for the treasure in Luo Lihao's mouth.

I don't know if it's because my eyes are not working well, or if the so-called treasure that Luo Lihao said didn't appear here, she even rolled her eyes, but she didn't find the so-called treasure.

Where is the treasure?
Unbelievably, Ye Yayan searched again, but to her disappointment, sure enough, there was nothing!
"Luo Lihao, there is no such thing as a treasure in your mouth!" Ye Yayan finally asked Luo Lihao after searching to no avail.

"Treasures are naturally obtained by predestined people!" Luo Lihao has made it very clear, that is, she is not a predestined person for treasures, otherwise, treasures will not show up for a long time.

"Hmph!" Hearing Luo Lihao's explanation, Ye Yayan snorted coldly, with a hint of arrogance.

Looking at such a bright and charming Ye Yayan, a slight smile appeared in Luo Lihao's eyes. Looking at such a Ye Yayan, he suddenly found that he was in a very good mood.

With this in mind, Luo Lihao felt that he had to challenge Ye Yayan's emotions again!
(End of this chapter)

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