Chapter 194
"Aren't they fighting for treasures?" Luo Lihao looked up at the heads of the crowd, and a playful smile flashed in his eyes.

"You mean to let me fight for the key?" She wasn't crazy, even if the key was the key to the mansion of the fallen god, she wouldn't be able to snatch it.

She cherishes her life very much, and she will not do such a desperate way.

"Of course!" Luo Lihao looked like I knew you very well, "This treasure is very rare, if you miss it, I'm afraid you won't have the chance to get it!"

Luo Lihao is trying to lure her, but unfortunately, Ye Yayan is still indifferent.

For her, no matter how important this key is, she will not snatch it.

"Ye Yayan, what I said is true, you must get this key, and only if you get this key can you get the treasure of this place!" This is not what Luo Lihao said, but her This key must be obtained.

This can be regarded as a disguised test!
"Aren't you kidding?" Even though Luo Lihao was serious from beginning to end, Ye Yayan still felt a little weird. She needed Luo Lihao to give him [-]% affirmation before she would act.

"Do you think I'm a person who knows how to joke?" Luo Lihao asked back, leaving Ye Yayan speechless.

Indeed, he is not a person who knows how to joke. Since he asked her to get the key, there must be his reasons. Therefore, she must grab it.

It's just that fighting for the keys is really a labor-intensive job. If you want to take the keys from the hands of these 20 people, it will make them more uncomfortable than killing them.

She wouldn't believe it if she didn't get attacked by them for cutting off her beard.

Calm down, she must calm down and think about countermeasures.

There are so many people, she can't attract any attention, but she must snatch the key, which is really not an easy job.

Time passed by, and Ye Yayan still didn't come up with a countermeasure.

Seeing everyone fighting back and forth, Ye Yayan frowned slightly.

Putting poison, maybe these people can be brought down, but at the same time, she must hold the key in her hand, and must leave here as soon as possible, because the toxin she refined is more harmful to her strength. A strong person is less effective.

In addition, the toxin refined this time is not suitable for spraying on a large scale, and in the current situation, it must be sprayed in large quantities.

It doesn't take a little time to set up formations or barriers, and now, it's too late.

Bite the bullet and rush forward, that is really a joke on your own life.

Ye Yayan kept denying his own ideas, but a lot of time passed, but he didn't come up with a useful plan.

"Bang..." Before Ye Yayan could finish thinking, she was kicked out by Luo Lihao.

Before she could react, she had already appeared in front of everyone, and she was lucky enough to hold the key directly.

In an instant, it was like a thunder from the sky stirring up fire on the ground, and it ignited all of a sudden.

Everyone's murderous intent came towards Ye Yayan.

At this very moment, Ye Yayan made a move that surprised even Luo Lihao.

She actually threw the key out directly.

That's right, just throw it away like this, like a conditioned reflex, throw it out as soon as you get it!
Under the astonished gazes of everyone, if it formed a parabola, it was thrown out viciously...

(End of this chapter)

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