Chapter 206
"Master, and master husband, kiss!" Fengxi, the little white snake, saw Ye Yayan and Luo Lihao's movements, and cried out. The cheerful look made Ye Yayan's face turn red, especially It also mentioned the word "husband".

"Don't talk nonsense!" Ye Yayan stopped immediately, "He is not a master!"

She wants to give these two words to those who are close to her heart. At least for now, she doesn't feel that Luo Lihao is close to her.

She didn't dislike Luo Lihao, on the contrary, she seemed to have a different feeling towards him, but even so, she would not think that Luo Lihao would be her husband.

Luo Lihao, a god-like figure, is from a completely different world with her, how could they be together.

Now, the reason why he has been with her all the time is to fulfill his promise to another person.

Although so far, she doesn't know what that promise is, but she knows that once the validity period of the promise expires, he will leave without hesitation.


For some reason, when this word appeared in her mind, Ye Yayan's heart didn't hurt. It seemed that she didn't want Luo Lihao to leave.

How can it be?

How could she not want him to leave?

Did she feel attached to him in just a short time?

Thinking of this, Ye Yayan's face suddenly became a little ugly.

She hadn't come out of the emotional hurt she had suffered until now.

Originally, she thought that she would not trust any man anymore, but now, judging from the current situation, she seems to have different feelings for Luo Lihao.

When did this relationship start?

I don't know the origin of the fate, and I have a deep love!

Did you really answer this sentence?

As he thought about it deeply, Ye Yayan's face was as ugly as it was.

After Luo Lihao backed away, he kept paying attention to Ye Yayan's face, and when he saw her face getting uglier, he became irritable.

Doesn't she like it?
After realizing this, Luo Lihao's face also became quite ugly.

He has never forced anyone to do something, but now, for some reason, he wants to force Ye Yayan to do something.

Fortunately, his reason still exists, otherwise, I really don't know how things will develop.

"Cough cough cough...Master, you are in trouble!" Seeing that something seemed wrong, Feng Xi reminded her.

Because at this time it felt a threat approaching, but Ye Yayan didn't seem to realize it yet.

Feng Xi's opening was completely disregarding the relationship, that is to say, Ye Yayan had to complete the battle alone, and it was just a bystander.

"Ya Yan, the cat from hell is here!" Luo Lihao was more focused than Feng Xi, at least he knew what was coming.

Hellcat, shadow beast?
When Ye Yayan heard Luo Lihao's words, she didn't care about the weirdness in her heart, and immediately made a countermeasure.

The Hellcat appeared again, and this time it seemed to be aimed at her. If she didn't make a countermeasure, she would definitely be the one who was injured.

The injuries she suffered before have not been recuperated, and now she has to go through the battle with the Hellcat, she is a bit overwhelmed!

No matter whether Ye Yayan can bear it or not, and whether she is ready or not, the hell cat has already appeared in front of Ye Yayan at this moment, looking at Ye Yayan majestically.

The black hell cat, with its emerald green eyes, stared fixedly at Ye Yayan, as if trying to see a flower from her.

(End of this chapter)

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