Chapter 207
The Hellcat is only a little bigger than a domestic cat, but in terms of momentum, there is no comparison between the two.

The aura of this hell cat is comparable to that of a tiger. Even if it just stands like this and does not attack, one can feel the aura of arrogance from its body.

And Ye Yayan discovered that it couldn't really tell its direction at all, which was also the brilliance of the shadow beast.

Shadow beasts can blend into the environment. As shadow-like monsters, they are naturally different from other monsters.

However, what made Ye Yayan feel weird was that the hell cat didn't attack Ye Yayan, but just stood opposite her.

This made Ye Yayan a little strange.

Not attacking, just standing opposite her, what does this mean?
Ye Yayan couldn't understand it!
"What does your master want you to do?" The shadow beast ran to him so actively, Ye Yayan wouldn't believe it if this hell cat didn't have a master.

Now, the Hellcat appeared quietly and did not launch an attack. It must be waiting for its master's order.

The so-called enemy doesn't move, I don't move, now, this hell cat doesn't move at all!

"Wooooow..." Suddenly, the Hellcat shouted.

And this shout made Ye Yayan frown.

This hell cat actually came to ask for help!
Yes, help!
Ye Yayan thought about many situations, but never thought that the hell cat would come to her for help.

Is it because she understands animal language and communicates easily?
"Master, this hell cat is here to ask for help, please promise it!" Although Feng Xi and the hell cat are not of the same species, but now seeing the hell cat showing such an urgent pleading look, it also softens its heart up.

Furthermore, if Ye Yayan can subdue the Hellcat and use it for her, it will increase Ye Yayan's combat effectiveness, so that if there is trouble in the future, it will not be needed to play.

Feng Xi is a ghost spirit, and the abacus is crackling, and it is also planning for its future.

Hell Cat also knows how powerful it is. If Ye Yayan helps it now, then its reward will definitely be big.

"Why did you agree to it? I'm not that noble if I'm not relatives or relatives!" Ye Yayan's words are indeed true. When she makes a move, the one she wants to help must be the one she wants to help, not the cat from hell. I found it rashly.

In addition, this hell cat belongs to someone else, if it is an unowned monster, she is still somewhat interested.

Now, no interest at all.

"Help me, as long as you help me, I will listen to you!" The hell cat said this in desperation.

This is also what it can do, it has been pushed to the top, and it has no choice but to find Ye Yayan.

Of course, it didn't mean that Ye Yayan's aura made her feel that she was a trustworthy person, but that it felt that the human being in front of him was different from other people, which was why it appeared in front of her.

Sure enough, Ye Yayan was different, she could understand what it said, just for this, it could promise Ye Yayan to do anything for her, as long as she could help its master.

It is a magical beast with an owner. If its owner's life was not dying now, it would not take the initiative to appear in front of Ye Yayan.

"What if I said that I want you to surrender to me?" Ye Yayan's words were a bit detrimental, but this is also the question, and you can see the nature of the hell cat!

(End of this chapter)

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