Chapter 225 Angel Tears 1
"Why do I think this place is weird?" I don't know why, as soon as Ye Yayan entered the Sunset Forest, something was wrong all over her body. It seemed that something was calling her, but she couldn't say what was strange, it was just a kind of Feel.

"Strange?" Han Feng frowned slightly when he heard Ye Yayan say something strange, because he didn't feel that way.

It is not the first time he has come to Sunset Forest, but every time he enters this place, it gives people a different feeling. This time, it is still the same.

But, to say it was weird, he really didn't feel anything.

Could it be that everyone feels differently.

"Master, can you also feel that aura?" Suddenly, Feng Xi, the little white snake wrapped in a bracelet, spoke.

"Breath? What do you mean?" Ye Yayan was taken aback by Feng Xi's words. Obviously, the strange thing she felt was not the breath in Feng Xi's mouth.

"A sense of auspiciousness!" Dark Wing, the cat of hell, hid in the contract space after stepping into the range of the setting sun forest. However, even if it hid in, it had to brush up its own sense of existence.

No, Feng Xi said it before she even opened her mouth.

If it weren't for such auspiciousness in the setting sun forest, it wouldn't have hid in the contract space.

This auspicious aura may not have any effect on other Warcraft, but to it it is a disaster.

However, what surprised him was that there was no such auspiciousness before.

Just like Han Feng, it wasn't the first time he had come to the Sunset Forest, but this time, he had given him a great threat, otherwise, he wouldn't have just hid in the contract space as soon as he got close to the Sunset Forest.

Auspicious spirit!

When Ye Yayan heard these four words, his eyes flickered slightly. Could it be that the treasure in the Sunset Forest is auspicious?
If so, does it mean that this treasure has not been taken away?

If he was taken away, there shouldn't be any auspiciousness now?

"What is it?" Han Feng was also curious as to what the treasure that exudes auspiciousness was.

"I don't know about this, I just can feel it!" Feng Xi felt a little embarrassed, because she didn't know what this treasure was.

"It's the tears of an angel!" Luo Lihao either didn't speak, but when he did, the words would be shocking. No, Ye Yayan and Han Feng's mouths opened slightly when he finished speaking.

Angel Tears!

This sounds very high-end!

"Angel's tears, as the name suggests, are angel's tears!" Han Feng explained. As a member of the Han family, he naturally knows some things that others don't.


Ye Yayan's first reaction was to be a little person with a halo on his head flapping his wings.

Soon, Ye Yayan shook his head.

How could it be an angel?

An angel is created by the magic of the western world. Even if the space she is in now is not Huaxia, it has a certain relationship with Huaxia. Therefore, if you talk about an angel, it will definitely not look like this.

"Angels are said to be the envoys of the heavens, possessing powerful power, and the tears of the angels are said to be tears left by the angels because they were moved!" Han Feng didn't know if it was because he saw Ye Yayan's confused expression. With a look in his eyes, he opened his mouth to explain again.

Hearing Han Feng's words, Ye Yayan nodded. It turned out that the so-called angel was explained in this way.

Angel's tears, what's the use?
Is it a kind of holy water?
It's no wonder that Ye Yayan thinks about it in this way, tears really don't have any effect!

(End of this chapter)

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