Chapter 226 Angel Tears 2
"The real function of angel's tears is to solidify people's souls!" As soon as Han Feng said this, Ye Yayan's face changed suddenly, and a look of longing appeared in his eyes.

This Angel's Tears felt like it was tailor-made for her!

Freeze the soul, is this a big surprise for her?

Although Ye Yayan's soul fits well with this body, in the final analysis, this body is not hers, and her soul is just forcibly entered. Even though her soul has occupied this body now, it is still not solidified. stand up.

If Angel Tears can be swallowed, then she can truly control this body.

The soul must be coagulated with the body!
Luo Lihao saw the sparkle in Ye Yayan's eyes, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

With his level of strength, although he can't see people's past and present lives, he still knows about Ye Yayan's physical condition.

The soul does not match this body!
After saving Ye Yayan, he knew it, but he didn't take action to rectify it, because it depended on Ye Yayan's own good fortune.

However, what he didn't expect was that Ye Yayan's opportunity would come so soon, so early.

Angel's Tears actually appeared in the Sunset Forest, which he never thought about.

Luck, Ye Yayan's luck is really surprising.

A person with good fortune is really extraordinary.

swoosh swish...

All of a sudden, sharp beams of light came towards Ye Yayan and the three from all directions, so abrupt that Ye Yayan was a little stunned.

Fortunately, even if she was stunned, her reaction was not unpleasant, and she responded in an instant.

The Vulcan whip waved, and the red flames intertwined into a natural net, surrounding the three of them.

Although, even if she didn't do that, Luo Lihao and Han Feng's abilities would naturally not be affected, but she still protected them.

This is a conditioned reflex, which is a kind of protection for friends.

Of course, Han Feng might not be considered a friend, but since she "snatched" An Yi from him, she owed him a favor.

If she got rid of the toxins in his body now, then they might have nothing to do with each other, but now, with the toxins in Han Feng's body, naturally, she can only protect him.

When Han Feng saw Ye Yayan waving the Vulcan Whip, and the intertwined rays of light protected him, a gleam flashed in his eyes, but he quickly hid it.

The sound of whoosh, whoosh, piercing through the air was still coming, but there was no sharp light that could penetrate Ye Yayan's protective circle and enter their bodies.

"This level is okay!" Han Feng was surprised by Ye Yayan's attack for a moment, but when he saw her method, his eyes were also full of surprise.

Han Feng knew about Ye Yayan's strength, and that's why he was so surprised.

You know, if you are both a fighter or a spiritual master, it is impossible to have such strength. Ye Yayan's methods have already surpassed the level of a fighter.

Although Han Feng said Ye Yayan, his eyes were on Luo Lihao.

He has many doubts about Luo Lihao. As the successor of the Han family, his vision is naturally quite good, but he doesn't recognize Luo Lihao.

According to Luo Lihao's aura, it is impossible to be an unknown person in Yuntian Continent. Such a person will definitely become the focus of everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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