The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 281 Depends on Your Mind 2

Chapter 281 Depends on Your Mind 2
The old man was thinking about it, but he didn't come up with a reason.

There are really not many times when he spends so much time thinking about things, but now he has no choice but to get first-hand information, even if he thinks about graying hair, he still has to think about it.

As everyone knows, where can he find a black hair at this time.

Ye Yayan and the three of them just watched the old man tugging at their hair continuously, as if the old man hadn't figured out what to take out.

"Is this considered an iron cock?" Ye Yayan looked at the old man and couldn't help complaining.

This person is really shameless, he doesn't even know how to throw away a little cost, if so, there will be no return.

Could it be that he only wants to be an empty-handed white wolf?
Where in this world is there such a good thing!

"He has brought out the iron rooster's temperament to the fullest!" Han Feng nodded. This old man is really enough. If it was replaced by someone else, he would have made a decision long ago. Fortunately, he delayed the time for half an hour. .

In half an hour, you can do a lot of things!

"I... you... can you change to something else?" Just after Ye Yayan and the three thought the old man had finally made a decision, they heard the old man say such words.

In the end, he was still reluctant!
Miss his baby.

"Old man, the initiative is now in our hands, not in yours. If you want to change the conditions, you can!" Ye Yayan said this, the old man's eyes lit up, and there was a smile on his face.

As long as the treasure is not taken out of his hands, everything is easy to talk about.

However, Ye Yayan's next words froze the smile on his face.

"But, you have to protect us for two years!" Suddenly, Ye Yayan changed the topic.

As soon as these words came out, the old man's eyeballs almost popped out.

Protect them for two years!

They can also say this.

You know, with their current cultivation, as long as they don't meet god-level powerhouses, they are invincible. The most important thing is that at this stage, what he wants to do the most is to find a quiet place to break through.

And once you become their protector, you won't be able to break through in these two years.

Breakthrough is the most important thing for a cultivator. He cannot let himself lose his freedom, especially to protect them.

Thinking of this, a look of determination flashed in the old man's eyes.

"This is the fixed wind bead!" Finally, the old man reluctantly took out a bead emitting green light from the space ring.

It was the old man who made up his mind to take out this bead after thinking about it. This bead is not the best among his treasures, but it still hurts him very much to take out this bead. You know, this bead is not the best. But the beads that can hold the wind in place, such a treasure, can be regarded as unparalleled in the world.

This is what he weighed for a long time before he took it out. If it was someone else, he would not take this wind-fixing bead.

Of course, the main reason is that he is a cultivator of the wind element himself, and has a certain control over the wind, so taking out the fixed wind bead is still within his acceptable range.

Ye Yayan took the wind bead from the old man's hand, and in an instant, a gust of wind wrapped around her body, and at the same time, the green light surged, enveloping Ye Yayan.

The sudden change filled the eyes of Han Feng and the old man with surprise.

What's happening here?
Especially the old man, as the former owner of Dingfengzhu, he didn't know that Dingfengzhu still had such power.

The power of the wind bred inside shocked him. If he absorbed this power, would it be possible for him to break through to the god level?

(End of this chapter)

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