The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 282 Depends on Your Mind 3

Chapter 282 Depends on Your Mind 3
At the same time, Ye Yayan has absorbed the power of the Dingfeng Pearl.

She also did not expect such a huge amount of power to be contained in the Dingfeng Pearl, and fortunately, Ye Yayan has a special physique. If it were an ordinary person, she would have already exploded with strength.

It won't be like her, with a ruddy complexion, as if she has taken a big tonic pill.

After absorbing this force, Ye Yayan's strength has improved a bit, but still has no breakthrough.

It is really difficult for seven-line cultivators to break through.

Ye Yayan's breakthrough made Han Feng's eyes flicker slightly.

No breakthrough?

Han Feng looked at Ye Yayan a little strangely, it was really weird that such a powerful force poured into his body, but he still hadn't broken through.

"Engong, what series of cultivators are you?" Suddenly, Han Feng seemed to have thought of something, and his face showed a look of shock.

"You'll know in the future!" Ye Yayan didn't reveal it, but judging from the strength she showed before, there are at least three elements, fire, water, and wind.

"" The old man was so shocked that he couldn't speak. He felt like he had picked up sesame seeds and lost watermelon.

If he knew that there was such a powerful power in the Wind Bead, how could he use it.

My heart hurts!

The old man clutched his chest, looking extremely heartbroken.

This is really a blow to him, it's like digging his chest out to take out his heart, it hurts a lot, unfortunately, now, regret has no effect, everything has been handed over to the other party, Moreover, the power of the wind element has been absorbed by her, even if she wants to return it, it will have no effect.

"I've already given you the stuff. Now, can I tell you what I want to know?" The so-called "money and money are equal", it's time to tell him.

"This is a elixir that can be suppressed!" Ye Yayan didn't talk nonsense, and directly threw a elixir to the old man. This elixir only suppresses the toxin, but cannot relieve it.

"Suppression? Is there such a elixir?" If you want to talk about the antidote, the old man naturally knows that it is impossible. Otherwise, with the power of the Mu family, he has already found a solution. Will it be his turn to be courteous?
"Yes, the toxin in Han Feng's body is a hidden toxin. At the beginning, it will not be discovered. It can also be said to be a chronic poison. However, once it bursts out, it will be really useless.

If the toxin in the other party was about the same dose as Han Feng, then this elixir was enough to suppress the toxin in his body, as long as a solution was found in the next year, it would be fine.

Otherwise, wait for his body to be collected! "Ye Yayan spoke without the slightest scruples, and he didn't restrain himself because he was from the Mu family.

Even if the Mu family is not present, even if they are, she will still say that.

Collect the corpse, the word came out of Ye Yayan's mouth, causing the old man's body to move suddenly, and he suddenly had the feeling of lifting a rock and hitting himself in the foot.

If he gave the elixir to the Mu family this time, then he would be regarded as a hero of the Mu family. If they asked them to borrow a place to practice, they would definitely not disagree, but if they asked him to take out other elixirs, who would he turn to? go?
After living for so many years, there are some things that don't need to be said, you only need to meet your eyes to understand, and people's hearts are not satisfied, there are two when there is one.

Thinking of this, the old man's face became very ugly, because he had already thought of various possibilities.

Although it is only possible, it can easily become a reality.

"The reason why he followed you is because you can detoxify him?" Suddenly, the old man asked this question with a flash of inspiration.

(End of this chapter)

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