Chapter 291
Luo Lihao's strength combined with his means, no matter whether it is in the Sky Continent or others, no one can surpass him, especially after he has made up his mind, no one can surpass him.

This time, Angel Tears can only be his property.

"Since the tears of the angels have not yet been born, let's go to other places for a while. I always feel that this sunset forest is a bit unusual. Don't you find it strange that you haven't even seen a monster in this place for so many days? "Ye Yayan had already noticed this before, but he didn't find a chance to say it.

"I noticed it too, and I didn't find anything strange!" Han Feng naturally noticed this, and he also conducted an investigation, but to his disappointment, nothing special happened.

"Could it be related to the tears of angels?" Ye Yayan's brain has always been very big, and she can't be wrong if she thinks about it in this way, especially after the tears of angels haven't appeared for a long time, she will think about this way even more to think about.

"Warcraft also want angel's tears?" Compared to Ye Yayan, Han Feng's brain is not too far-fetched, at least, Ye Yayan hasn't thought about it yet.

In Ye Yayan's view, the monster didn't want the angel's tears, but was trapped by the angel's tears, or was ordered not to go out without permission.

"Angel's tears, do they have other effects?" Angel's tears don't only have the effect of condensing the soul, do they have other functions?
Ye Yayan knew everything about the power of angels. If Luo Lihao hadn't mentioned it, Ye Yayan wouldn't have known that there was such a powerful thing.

"Angel's tears can only congeal the soul!" Luo Lihao laughed when he heard the conversation between Ye Yayan and Han Feng.

These two people really have a lot of brain holes. If he doesn't speak again, he doesn't know where they will think.

"Is it really just condensing the soul?" It's not that he doesn't believe Luo Lihao's words, but it's really unacceptable.

The vision of heaven and earth is so strong, no matter what, it is an incomparably powerful treasure, how could it be just a condensed soul.

If Luo Lihao hadn't said this from Luo Lihao's mouth, Han Feng would never have believed it. Even if seeing is believing, it would take him a while to digest it.

Fortunately, Han Feng is not a paranoid person, otherwise, I am afraid that he will fall into a misunderstanding and never turn back.

"Why is there no movement from the monsters here?" If normal, the monsters would have already made a move, how could there not be a monster coming out to show off its might?
"Why don't you think about it in other ways? If the monsters don't come out, it must be because the bloodlines are suppressed. Only when the bloodlines are suppressed, the monsters will obey, just like the level of human bloodlines!" Tan, Luo Lihao also knew the reason why the monster did not appear.

Ye Yayan is usually quite smart, so why did he mess up on this matter.

In fact, it's not that Ye Yayan didn't think about it, but she didn't think about it at all.

Bloodline suppression is indeed as Luo Lihao said, it is the simplest and most convenient.

"Won't there be a divine beast born?" If it was a divine beast, then Ye Yayan must have seen it carefully. Although he had seen Bai Ze's birth before, Ye Yayan didn't take it seriously because of some purpose at that time. Experience, this time, the time and place are not a problem, she has to experience everything.

Ye Yayan's face was full of excitement at this time, and Han Feng couldn't understand the excited look.

Even if the beast is born, is it that exciting?

(End of this chapter)

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