The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 292 Could it be an Evil Beast?

Chapter 292 Could it be an Evil Beast?

"It's possible, and the probability coefficient is relatively high. It can make all the monsters in the sunset forest hide in their caves and dare not come out. This monster's bloodline level should be very high!" Although Han Feng was a little surprised by Ye Yayan's reaction , but still said it with certainty.

It is not so easy for all beasts to surrender, and it is impossible to do it without advanced blood.

"Bai Ze, are you at the same level as you?" Bai Ze is also a magical beast, and its bloodline is even stronger. Bai Ze, who comes from the blood of the white tiger, must be stronger than other monsters, even if he is still in its infancy , Its combat effectiveness is also leveraged.

"No!" Bai Ze's voice came from the contract space, "Master, you have to be prepared, the monster this time is not the 'divine beast' you imagined!" Bai Ze deliberately emphasized the word "divine beast".

Ye Yayan frowned at Bai Ze's words, and she understood the meaning of Bai Ze's words.

It wasn't the imaginary divine beast, it was an "evil beast". When these two words appeared in his mind, Ye Yayan's body shook suddenly, and a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

If it is really an evil beast, then this time, the Sunset Forest will be in turmoil.

Among human beings, there are evil cultivators. Naturally, there are also evil beasts among monsters. Evil beasts are much more powerful and evil than human evil cultivators.

Once you encounter a demonic beast, it is best to avoid it if you can. If you can't avoid it, you can only consider yourself unlucky.

But now, from Bai Ze's words, it can be heard that the one hiding behind is an evil beast, and it is an extremely evil evil beast.

"It seems to be an evil beast!" It can only be said to be like, after all, Bai Ze didn't reveal whether it was an evil beast, but just led her to think in that direction.

"Evil beasts? You mean that the demonic beasts didn't make any movement, because they suppressed them?" Han Feng was very surprised when he heard Ye Yayan's words.

It's not that he hasn't seen evil beasts before, but this time seems unusual.

If according to what Ye Yayan said, such a big commotion was caused by an evil beast, then how powerful this evil beast is, at least, with his current strength, he cannot compete.

If so, run away?

Escaping is not the only solution, if it is really evil beasts, I am afraid, they will not be able to escape at all!
"It should be!" When Ye Yayan said this, he looked at Luo Lihao who was on the side. If Luo Lihao nodded, it was [-]% sure that the monsters would not come out because of the existence of the monsters.

Of course, she also hopes that her guess is false. After all, there are evil beasts in the Sunset Forest. For them, the risk factor is still very high.

However, the ruthlessness of reality shattered her fantasy, and with Luo Lihao's nod, her conjecture was confirmed.

Evil beasts are indeed evil beasts.

Thinking of an evil beast hidden in the setting sun forest, Ye Yayan suddenly felt chills all over his body, feeling palpitations.

Once being targeted by evil beasts, it will be beyond redemption!
"The evil beast hasn't grown up yet, but it's coming soon!" If Luo Lihao didn't add the latter sentence, maybe Ye Yayan would think that he was comforting her, but when the latter sentence came out, Ye Yayan suddenly felt Big head.

Even the evil beasts that haven't grown up can keep the monsters from dormant. If they really grow up, then it's okay.

No, they must kill it before it grows up, otherwise, none of them will be able to get out of the Sunset Forest, and they will all become prey to it!
(End of this chapter)

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