The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 294 Disappointment Greater Than Hope

Chapter 294 Disappointment Greater Than Hope
"Why is the illusion so powerful?" Ye Yayan also had a brief introduction to the formation, but he had never encountered such a powerful illusion formation.

You must know that among these people, there are many people who have high attainments in formations, but they all fell into the formation, and this is really unexpected.

"It's not that the illusion is high, it's that their xinxing is too weak. However, once they wake up from the illusion, it will be of great benefit to their future cultivation. You can go to experience it!" Luo Lihao said it was experience , but not otherwise.

Experience is indeed a good term.

"Don't look for evil beasts anymore?" Could it be that the evil beasts are allowed to grow stronger?
"Could you find it now?" Luo Lihao asked back, and there was an unexpressed meaning in his words, that is, even if you found it, with your current strength, you would not be able to compete with the evil beast.

Ye Yayan didn't answer Luo Lihao's words, because even answering wouldn't make any sense.

Because what Luo Lihao said was not false at all.

"I need it too?" Han Feng is not a silent person, if he can get Luo Lihao's evaluation, then this illusion must be good.

If it were someone else, perhaps, he would not want to join, because once he entered the illusion, if he couldn't wake up, he would just fall into the illusion and be immersed in the illusion forever.

However, Han Feng is different, he has ideas and ambitions, and most importantly, he knows that even if he falls into an illusion, Luo Lihao will not do anything to save him.

Although I don't know why Luo Lihao is willing to let him stay by Ye Yayan's side, but one thing is certain is that there must be something Luo Lihao wants in him, otherwise, with Luo Lihao's temperament, It is absolutely impossible for him to stay by Ye Yayan's side.

But, is there anything in him that Luo Lihao wants?

Even though he is the successor of the Han family, as far as Luo Lihao is concerned, there seems to be nothing he can look up to. Could it be because of Ye Yayan?

Suddenly, Han Feng thought of a possibility, and it seemed to be the only possibility.

Luo Lihao's kindness to Ye Yayan is definitely obvious to all, so even if he doesn't look at the monk's face, he also looks at the Buddha's face. After he goes in, if he can't get out, Luo Lihao will definitely rescue him.

Thinking of this, Han Feng wants to enter the illusion even more, which is a very profitable thing.

Even if he has to suffer a little in the illusion, at least he doesn't have to worry about his life, and that's enough.

However, all of this is his own thinking, and everything depends on Luo Lihao.

There is a saying that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

No, Luo Lihao shook his head directly after hearing Han Feng's words.

"That illusion is not of much use to you, but it will make the toxins in your body flow faster!" Luo Lihao has actually changed during this time, at least, his words will not be just one or two words, but a sentence , or even a paragraph.

Luo Lihao's reminder, Han Feng naturally will not refuse to listen, if he does not listen to the persuasion, then he is really asking for a dead end, and it will be a dead end to the end.

"Why did this happen?" Ye Yayan asked a question that Han Feng didn't dare to ask, how could the illusion accelerate the toxins in the body?
"You also know that the toxins in his body are not ordinary toxins. In the illusion, there will be other toxins. Once the toxins in his body are fused with those toxins, you can experience the consequences!" Luo Lihao did not fuse the toxins. The consequences are spoken out, but the meaning of his words is already very obvious!
(End of this chapter)

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