Chapter 295 Really Powerful

When Han Feng heard Luo Lihao's words, there was a look of rejoicing in his eyes.

If it wasn't for Luo Lihao, he might have entered the illusion, if so, he would really be dead.

If that's the case, wouldn't he regret half to death.

"Senior, I want to know, under normal circumstances, will general toxins accelerate the fusion of toxins in my body?" It is very important to know.

If ordinary toxins can make the toxins in his body fuse with his body, then he has to pay attention to many things, at least, he has to be more careful than he is now.

Although he also has concerns, at least he won't be so careful. General toxins are not threatening to him at all, but now, hearing Luo Lihao's words, he has to be careful.

There is a saying, be careful sailing for thousands of years!
"Over the years, have the toxins in your body merged faster?" Luo Lihao's rhetorical question made Han Feng speechless.

It is true that over the years, the toxins in his body have not accelerated the fusion, but he has also removed a lot of toxins.

Sometimes, he even used the method of attacking poison with poison, trying to dissolve the toxins in his body.

Thinking of the words "fighting poison with poison", Han Feng burst into a cold sweat.

He was a little fortunate that for so many years, there was no toxin in his body that could be combined with the toxin, which was a blessing in misfortune.

"The toxins in your body are very special. Without a specific environment, the toxins in your body will not accelerate their fusion. Don't worry!" Ye Yayan is much better than Qi Luoli Hao. At least, she will comfort you. him.

It's just that his consolation has no effect on Han Feng, especially if it attracts Luo Lihao's attention.

"Yan'er, go and try it!" Time waits for no one, and the illusion is ever-changing. Ye Yayan needs to enter the illusion in the shortest possible time to experience the various aspects of life in the illusion.

In this way, both in terms of strength and mental strength, there will be a considerable improvement.

In order to save time, this time, Luo Lihao made a move.

Of course, he only suppressed his own strength to one ten-thousandth. He just waved his hand lightly, and sent Ye Yayan into the illusion [-] meters away.

Just such a move made Han Feng's eyes widen, and he looked at Luo Lihao incredulously.

So strong!

This is Han Feng's only feeling at this time.

Even though he already knew that Luo Lihao was very strong, seeing it with his own eyes was even more shocking.

He didn't even notice that Luo Lihao made a move, and he found that Ye Yayan who was in place had long since disappeared.

If this happened to other people, maybe he would think that someone else used some special means to make him disappear before his eyes. However, this person is Ye Yayan, and he will definitely not use special means. The only thing he can do is Luo Lihao.

Although there was no energy fluctuation, he saw Luo Lihao raised his hand.

Ye Yayan can be sent into the phantom array with just a raise of his hand, this kind of method may not be able to be achieved even by a master.

How strong is Luo Lihao?
At this moment, Han Feng really wants to know!
At this time, Ye Yayan was sent into the illusion by Luo Lihao, experiencing scenes in the illusion.

As soon as he entered the illusion, Ye Yayan heard ghosts crying and wolves howling.

Such a voice has no effect on her at all, and she also knows that this is an illusion.

Only, this time it was different.

Although it is an illusion, if it is attacked by a person or beast in the illusion, it will also face bleeding or even death.

Therefore, even if it is an illusion, it is very real!
(End of this chapter)

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