Chapter 297
Since Yin Qi has no effect on the body, and can also improve her own strength, she will naturally not let go of the great opportunity to absorb Yin Qi.

If this is out of the illusion, I am afraid there will be no such opportunity.

Ye Yayan's sudden absorption made the female ghost a little stunned, her bloodshot eyes were full of surprise.

how can that be?

A living person can actually absorb Yin Qi. Is this world in chaos?
With the absorption of Ye Yayan, the horror in the female ghost's eyes became more and more intense. If she hadn't turned into a ghost, she would have to say something at this time——Damn it!
This is really unreasonable.

It's fine for their ghosts to absorb Yin Qi, but now, a living person can absorb Yin Qi. Is this to compete with them for Yin Qi?
The female ghost suddenly thought of this possibility. If even living people can absorb their Yin Qi, their cultivation will be even slower.

No, she can no longer hesitate, otherwise, she must be the one who suffers.

Without hesitation, the female ghost made a move.

Attacking Ye Yayan from an incredible angle.

But what she didn't know was that Ye Yayan was already ready when her attack came.

Among the Youlan exercises, there happened to be a technique that could restrain ghosts. Although the preparation was very hasty, there was no major problem.

At that moment, a "卍" character with a hint of Buddha's light appeared in front of the female ghost.

In an instant, as if a hole had been torn open in the night sky, large golden characters suddenly appeared in front of the female ghost.

This turn of events made the female ghost dumbfounded.

What is this?
As a ghost in the ghost world, the female ghost is quite powerful, but when she faced this shining golden "卍" character, she actually felt palpitations.

Of course, she no longer has a heart, it's just a feeling.

As the golden font grew larger, the female ghost felt as if she was being crushed by a mountain.

What is going on here?

Until the word "卍" pressed on her body, she didn't realize that it was the light of Buddha.

Fortunately, this is now in an illusion. Even if the female ghost is suppressed by the "卍" character, she will not be dissipated. It just prevents her from using the exercises and can only watch Ye Yayan helplessly.

At this moment, she suddenly had an ominous omen.

" are..." All of a sudden, the female ghost saw the flashing golden light on Ye Yayan's body, her eyes widened, and her eyes were full of horror.

His lips twitched, and he let out a voice that was impossible to speak.

At this moment, she realized that this time she kicked the iron plate, and it was still a hot iron plate.

"I am?" Ye Yayan smiled unknowingly when she saw the female ghost, who looked terrified like seeing a ghost.

At the cost of burning Yin Qi, the female ghost just broke free from the influence of the word "卍" and escaped from it.

But compared to before, her body has begun to become illusory, and it can dissipate at any time when the wind blows. This time, the female ghost is also injured to the root, and it will take a long time to recover.

However, what surprised Ye Yayan was that in this illusion, everything she experienced seemed to be real. Even if it was a female ghost, she didn't think it was the product of the illusion.

What kind of formation is this illusion?
It would be great if she could master it.

It's a pity that now she can't see what this formation is, and she can't learn it. The most important thing is that she is still in the formation. Even if she wants to learn it secretly, she must guarantee her own life.

(End of this chapter)

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