Chapter 298
The departure of the female ghost did not cause any fluctuations in Ye Yayan. She knew that this was just the first wave of attacks, and there would be more attacks in the future. She had to deal with it calmly.

However, what surprised her was that after the female ghost left, another ghost appeared in front of her. Compared with the previous female ghost, the ghost who came this time was not as terrifying, but the ghost on his body The air is more intense.

Obviously, compared to the female ghost, this ghost that appeared is more powerful.

But, why did all he encountered were ghosts?

She never did something that both humans and gods would hate;
[-]. Did not commit murder, arson, or digging the grave of the master;
Didn't do anything outrageous in the middle of the night!

Why did all she met were ghosts?
Could it be that she is a murderer subconsciously, that's why these ghosts came to her?
Thinking of this possibility, Ye Yayan was amused by himself.

How can it be?

Even if she didn't have the memory of her past and present life, she knew that it was impossible for her to do such a thing. What's more, she had a memory, and she had a deep memory.

How could she provoke ghosts like this?
Could it be that she has the potential to provoke ghosts?

Perhaps only this explanation can make sense, otherwise, after the female ghost ran away, she wouldn't have another even more powerful ghost.

Judging from the situation of Li Gui's condensed soul, this Li Gui is still at the ghost king level.

Now, it's more fun.

Ye Yayan was not afraid of the ghost king who appeared in front of her, but it was very troublesome to deal with the ghost king, and she didn't want to cause trouble.

As the saying goes, if there is one, there must be two. If this ghost king is beaten away this time, will there be other ghost kings? If so, it will be too troublesome.

And the last thing she wanted was to get into trouble.

"It was you who hit Xiaohong?" Suddenly, the male ghost in front of him spoke, although his voice was a little hoarse, but he actually spoke, and he uttered the words very clearly.

"Xiao Hong?" Hearing the male ghost's words, Ye Yayan didn't realize it for a moment, but when he did, he nodded, "It's indeed me!"

Ming people don't do secret things, what she does is hers, and she won't deny it.

"It doesn't look like you are a powerful person. You can actually hurt Xiaohong. It seems that there must be something on you that we should be afraid of!" The male ghost looked at Ye Yayan and said to himself. Filled with some light.

There was actually light shining out of those dull eyes. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it.

You must know that the ghost that appeared in front of you is a ghost from the ghost world.

"Can I see it?" Before, he was shocked when he saw that someone could injure Xiaohong (that red-clothed ghost).

He has seen how powerful Xiaohong is, and now, he was actually injured by someone. Although he really wanted to know what exactly caused Xiaohong to be injured, he didn't ask.

He also knew a lot about Xiao Hong, and he knew that even if he asked her, she would not reveal anything.

Even though she has become a ghost, Xiaohong still has a strong self-esteem, so he directly kills her and asks the person involved.

However, he also has many considerations. After all, Ye Yayan's strength is not strong, it can be said to be very weak, but such a weak person can actually seriously injure Xiaohong. If he has no ability, he doesn't believe it.

Therefore, this is also the reason why he did not take the initiative to do anything after he appeared directly.

Before everything is clear, he will definitely not act rashly!
(End of this chapter)

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