Chapter 316 To Seize Her

The toxins in the body burst out suddenly, without any warning, and began to wreak havoc in Ye Yayan's body.

Ye Yayan has nothing to do about the toxins in his body, he can't control them, and he can't drive them out, he can only watch helplessly.

If it was normal, it would be fine, but now, when she was facing the evil spirit, the toxin suddenly burst out. Is this the rhythm to destroy her?
In herself, facing the attack of evil spirits, she was somewhat unable to resist, but now, the toxins in her body were still mixed.

The toxins in the body were circulating faster and faster, and Ye Yayan also found that her eyes were slowly closing. If she hadn't bitten her tongue with her teeth before she was about to pass out, she might have been lying on the ground now.

You can't faint, once you faint, then when you wake up again, maybe it won't be her!

If Ye Yayan hadn't seen clearly the evil spirit's purpose by now, then she would be really stupid.

The evil spirit wants to seize her home!

If at the beginning, the evil spirit wanted to absorb the soul so as to condense the body, then it gave up now because there is a better one in front of it.

Ye Yayan's soul is pure without any impurities. This kind of soul is very attractive to evil spirits. The most important thing is that it finds that if it seizes Ye Yayan, there will be no side effects at all!
You know, it is a soul now, and it has absorbed other souls. If it is taken away from others, it may have a counterproductive effect, but Ye Yayan will not.

Her soul is so pure, so pure that it almost drools.

Therefore, seizing the house is what it wants to do most at present.

The eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, Ye Yayan knows that this is her limit, if there is no accident, she will pass out, once she passes out, the consequences will not be what she can foresee.

The moment she closed her eyes, Ye Yayan found sadly that none of her contracted beasts appeared.

Although the contracted beast can only come out of the contracted space after being summoned, her contracted beast does not.

Originally, she thought that they would attack at the last moment, but now, she had already passed out and did not see them attack. ,
What's happening here?
Ye Yayan still has some confidence in the fighting power of Bai Ze and the others.

Even if she really passed out, if Bai Ze and the others were there, at least the evil spirits would not take her away.

But now, they don't appear at all.


Seeing Ye Yayan close his eyes, the evil spirit laughed wantonly.


The evil spirit knew from the very beginning that Ye Yayan was not so easy to provoke, so it was not ready for the trap, and waited for Ye Yayan to jump off.

There is a saying that hard work pays off, and Ye Yayan really fell into the trap.

As soon as the trap fell into place, she couldn't hold on any longer and passed out.

Once passed out, it means that it can "do whatever it wants" to her body.

With a whoosh, the evil spirit entered Ye Yayan's body all at once.

The moment the evil spirit entered Ye Yayan's body, Ye Yayan's body began to tremble.

The magnitude of the trembling made the three monsters of Bai Ze in the blue space stare blankly at Ye Yayan who was lying on the ground.

It's not that they didn't want to make a move, but that Luo Lihao restricted their moves.

As Ye Yayan's contractual master, they naturally wouldn't watch her get hurt, but when they were about to act, they received a message from Luo Lihao, which was to let Ye Yayan get hurt by herself. to overcome!
(End of this chapter)

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