Chapter 317 Soul Collision
Luo Lihao also had good intentions. The evil spirits were indeed terrifying, but if Ye Yayan eliminated the evil spirits by herself and absorbed them, it would be of great help to her future practice.

Therefore, after realizing that the evil spirit was going to seize Ye Yayan, Luo Lihao restricted the actions of Bai Ze and the other three, forcing them to take action.

Bai Ze's fear of Luo Lihao was like a torrential river, endless.

They don't have to listen to Ye Yayan's words, but they absolutely must not listen to Luo Lihao's words.

Luo Lihao's words are the imperial decree, and they must not be violated.

Therefore, at this moment, they could only watch the evil spirit enter Ye Yayan's body.

As soon as the evil spirit entered Ye Yayan's body, it went straight to her head. Only when it occupied the head could it control the whole body.

The evil spirit entered Ye Yayan's soul sea, and tore with Ye Yayan's soul.

When the evil spirit discovered that Ye Yayan's soul was emitting endless colorful lights, he was dumbfounded for a moment.

It would never have imagined that someone's soul would emit colorful light, unless it was...

Suddenly, it seemed to think of something, and at that moment, it quickly moved towards Ye Yayan's soul.

Devour, it wants to devour this soul!
If such a soul is not swallowed by it, it would be a crime.

Similarly, Ye Yayan's soul also launched an attack on the evil spirits.

The evil spirit wanted to devour her soul, so she naturally wouldn't sit still, it could devour her soul, so couldn't she?
Ye Yayan's counterattack made the evil spirit a little unresponsive.

Shouldn't you stay aside obediently?

The colorful rays of light on Ye Yayan's soul forced the evil spirits to dare not approach, and when they approached, the rays of light stabbed it painfully.

However, if you don't get close, it can't swallow it at all.

Similarly, Ye Yayan could not devour evil spirits.

If it were ordinary people, they would definitely not think about devouring evil spirits. You must know that if they can become evil spirits, the negativity contained in their souls will be so great that it is impossible to absorb them. The soul sea will also be polluted.

Pollution, once the soul is still polluted, it's fine.

Therefore, ordinary people will only expel evil spirits, but will not devour them.

There is an essential difference between the two.

But now, Ye Yayan is not like this, what she thinks is devouring, not expelling.

The evil spirit did not expect that Ye Yayan would be so fierce that he would actually want to devour its soul.

As an evil spirit, how could it be devoured by other people.

The evil spirit launched an attack on Ye Yayan's soul. The evil spirit didn't use any means, and directly bombarded Ye Yayan with his soul.

Just such a collision, the evil spirit screamed in pain.

It didn't expect Ye Yayan's soul to be so strong, and it was even harder than it.

For this impact, it dared to hit it with the determination to win. You know, the colorful light hurt it very much, but it was only in pain that it made up its mind.

When the evil spirit hit, Ye Yayan's soul trembled a little, but what she didn't expect was that her soul was not blown away, but the evil spirit was blown away.

how can that be?

Even though Ye Yayan is not very clear about the strength of her soul, she does know the strength of the general soul. When she saw the evil spirit hit, although she reacted and wanted to avoid it, but the evil spirit Too fast to avoid.

The moment she hit it, she thought it would be bad, but she didn't expect that it was an evil spirit that flew upside down!

(End of this chapter)

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