Chapter 332
Ye Yayan can perceive this, and so can Yangming.

Under Luo Lihao's eyes, there are really very few people who can play with him. Now, he will fall into the hands of an evil beast.

Although he wasn't alone in being duped, he still felt angry.

If the angel's tears were only useful to himself, he would definitely not be like this, but now, the angel's tears are too useful to Ye Yayan, he will definitely hold them in his hands, other people or beasts, I'm sorry, but he's going to make it.

Even if it is a robbery, he will snatch it back.

Luo Lihao has such confidence.

"Where is it?" Now, what he has to do is to take the tear of the angel. Although it is not clear whether the so-called king of evil beasts has swallowed the tear of the angel, but he knows that he must Get it in the shortest possible time.

"In the deepest part of the Sunset Forest, that place..." Before Yang Ming could finish speaking, Luo Lihao had already disappeared.

Yes, disappear!
In the blink of an eye, there was no breath of Luo Lihao, not even a slight fluctuation.

Yang Ming was dumbfounded by this scene.

Who is this person?

So strong, so domineering!
Ye Yayan was not surprised when Luo Lihao left, she knew what he was going to do.

Thinking that Luo Lihao left because of the angel's tears, a warm current flowed through Ye Yayan's heart.

He did this, but for himself, to solidify her soul, that's why he did it.

"Young master, who is he?" Yangming has a deep understanding of Luo Lihao's strength, and he doesn't know if it's a blessing or a curse if such a person is by Ye Yayan's side.

"Friends!" At present, they are just friends, but in the future it may not be so.

Thinking that Luo Lihao might become her other half, her face turned red, but fortunately, it was only for a moment, and Yangming didn't notice it.

"Young master, the king of evil beasts is very powerful, I want to get the angel's tear from its hands, I'm afraid..." Yangming didn't go on, he didn't want Ye Yayan to worry, but he felt it was necessary to remind him .

"I trust him!" Although he said he believed in Luo Lihao, Ye Yayan was still worried.

Even though he knew that Luo Lihao was very powerful, he was not invincible. Yang Ming was also a powerful existence among the monsters, but now, when he talked about the king of monsters, the panic in his voice was still very obvious.

Ye Yayan told herself to trust Luo Lihao, he would be fine, but the worry in her heart became more and more obvious as time passed.

At this time, the entire Sunset Forest was in a dignified atmosphere.

Everyone didn't dare to take a breath, and everyone's face had an expression of extreme fear. At this moment, they felt that death was so close to them.

Time passed by, Ye Yayan stood at the same spot, looking into the distance, she was waiting, waiting for Luo Lihao to return.

As time passed, Ming Yang's heart sank slightly to the bottom, even Luo Lihao, there was nothing he could do about it?
It has seen the power of the Demon King for a long time, even if it is the Demon King, I am afraid it will not be its opponent.

ooh ooh...

ho ho ho ho...

Just as Ming Yang was feeling emotional, suddenly, a roar of fear resounded through the entire Sunset Forest.

The moment he heard this voice, Ming Yang's body couldn't help shaking, his eyes were full of horror.

This is... the voice of the king of evil beasts?

For the King of Evil Beasts, Ming Yang was afraid from the bottom of his heart, but now, he heard its painful roar...

(End of this chapter)

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