The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 333 Luo Lihao's Strength 1

Chapter 333 Luo Lihao's Strength 1
The pained cries of the king of evil beasts, what does this mean?
That means it's hurt!
Injured, how is this possible?

In Ming Yang's eyes, the king of evil beasts was invincible and invincible, but now, not long after, the king of evil beasts was injured.

If it hadn't been able to clearly hear that it was the voice of the King of Demonic Beasts, I'm afraid it would not be willing to believe that the King of Demonic Beasts was injured.

This can only show that Luo Lihao is too powerful.

In fact, the truth of the matter is very simple. As soon as Luo Lihao appeared in front of the King of Demonic Beasts, he beat the King of Demonic Beasts to the ground after a single encounter.

Although he came here for the Angel's Tears, Luo Lihao didn't want to hurt the King of Beasts, after all, the Tears of Angels belonged to the King of Beasts at present.

It's a pity that the king of evil beasts took himself too seriously. After being beaten to the ground, he was full of dissatisfaction and vowed to fight Luo Lihao to the end.

However, the fact is that it never stood up again.

Luo Lihao's strength is not something it can shake.

Under one blow, the king of evil beasts could only prostrate on the ground, with blood continuously spraying out from his mouth.

"Who... are you?" The king of evil beasts was lying on the ground, just looking at Luo Lihao stupidly. You know, on this continent, it is basically invincible. Of course, this is in a solo battle. , if there is a group fight, no matter how strong the strength is, they will be wiped out.

However, now, just a face-to-face, it has no resistance at all, which makes it unwilling to believe it, and more importantly, it has never discovered how he did it, it seems to be just an idea!

Thinking of this, the eyes of the king of evil beasts were full of horror.

"Luo Lihao!" As for the king of evil beasts, Luo Lihao didn't hide anything. After all, he is also a king, and he can indeed be ranked first in the Sky Continent. Unfortunately, this time, when he met him, he was doomed. s failure.

"Luo... Li Hao, you are..." Suddenly, the king of evil beasts seemed to realize something, his eyes were full of horror.

How could this great god appear here?

And it came for the angel's tears. If it knew, he was Luo Lihao, and it would not resist anything, so it would obediently hand over the angel's tears to him.

Fighting him is no longer kicking on the iron board, but digging one's own grave.

"Take it out!" Luo Lihao looked at the King of Demonic Beasts coldly, if he didn't take it out again, then don't blame him for being rude, the King of Demonic Beasts, he didn't take it seriously.

Hearing Luo Lihao's words, the eyes of the king of evil beasts were full of struggle. Angel tears are also very important to it. If there are angel tears, then its cultivation base can be improved a lot. But now, if Luo Lihao wants it, he can only hand it over, otherwise, his life will be lost.

This is the power gap!
The strength, the fuck is really terrible, if its strength is higher than that of Luo Lihao, it will definitely not let Luo Lihao stand on top of its head to shit and pee, and it will definitely kill it with one paw.

But now, it must obey his words, otherwise, it will not know how to die.

Luo Lihao is notoriously vicious and merciless, if he doesn't follow his words, then next year today will be its death day, and it also believes that once Luo Lihao makes a move, it will surely die.

It didn't want to see this scene.

But if it is allowed to take out angel tears, it will be a little bit reluctant.

"Don't pay?" Luo Lihao saw the struggling look in the eyes of the king of evil beasts, and his eyes became cold!
(End of this chapter)

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