The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 334 Luo Lihao's Strength 2

Chapter 334 Luo Lihao's Strength 2
If it was something else, he might not be able to rob it clearly, but now, this thing is related to Ye Yayan's life and death, so he has to do that. Even if he is charged with robbery, he will bear it. It's fine.

"I..." Seeing Luo Lihao's cold face, the king of evil beasts suddenly turned pale.

"Your Highness, I have already used part of the tears of the angel!" The king of evil beasts did not lie. Before Luo Lihao arrived, he had indeed used part of it.

The main reason is that it was unable to refine the power of Angel Tears, so it only used part of it. Otherwise, there would still be Angel Tears.

Hearing the words of the king of evil beasts, streams of light were released from Luo Lihao's body.

In an instant, the entire Yuntian Continent was in shock, and there were even cracks in the space.

This time, Luo Lihao was really angry, if not for his rationality, I am afraid that the Yuntian Continent would completely collapse because of his anger.

"Your Highness, I...I..." Seeing Luo Lihao getting angry, the only thought of the Demon Beast King was that he was about to die.

Luo Lihao's anger is simply not something it can bear at this level. If it knows that Luo Lihao also likes Angel Tears, then it will definitely not accept it. Unfortunately, there is no if in the world, even if you start from the beginning However, perhaps, it will also accept it!
"Take it out!" The effect will be greatly reduced if part of the tear of the angel is missing, but at least it is better than nothing.

This was the last choice of the King of Evil Beasts. If it was still hesitant this time, then he would not let it go so easily.

Of course, capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot be escaped. This time, the king of evil beasts will also be hurt.

Hearing Luo Lihao's words, the king of evil beasts had no choice but to hand over the remaining Angel Tears.

The angel's tears were placed in the jade bottle by the king of evil beasts at this time, and the crystal clear light was released from the jade bottle. Even ordinary people who saw this scene knew that the angel's tears were not ordinary.

"Do you know how important this angel's tears are to me!" Luo Lihao's voice seemed to come from Jiuyou Hell, so cold that there was no warmth at all, and the body of the king of evil beasts trembled even more.

Fear, there is nothing more frightening than this moment.

The god of killing was furious, there was absolutely no one left alive.

However, this time, Luo Lihao obviously planned to let the king of evil beasts die, otherwise, there would have been no beasts of evil kings on the scene.

Until Luo Lihao left, the beast of the evil king didn't react, it just sat on the ground in a daze, with blood on its body like a column, it didn't pay attention, it just kept recalling the words that Luo Lihao said.

Luo Lihao really doesn't know the importance of angel's tears to Luo Lihao, if he knew, he would never allow himself to eat that share of angel's tears.

Now, within a few thousand years, it will not be able to recover at all. Originally, it was thought that it could rise completely this time, but it did not expect that it would end up in such a situation.

Luo Lihao's words let it know that the evil beast clan will have a new king of evil beasts, and it can only watch helplessly, watching itself fall.

This is Luo Lihao's punishment for it, and this punishment is too heavy, too heavy for it to bear.

So cruel!

This is the real ruthless method.

It naturally likes rights, otherwise, it would not devour the tears of angels, but now, the rights it has already grasped will be lost, and it is still watching with its own eyes, how can everyone like this bear it!
(End of this chapter)

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