The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 338 I'm Sure You Didn't Come To Die

Chapter 338 I'm Sure You Didn't Come To Die

Unexpectedly, Ye Yayan and Luo Lihao appeared in front of everyone unprepared.

This momentary change made everyone dumbfounded, but what surprised them even more was the nervous look on Ye Yayan's face.

Yes, they all saw Ye Yayan's nervousness and anxiety from her face.

Especially when Ye Yayan approached, they didn't have any precautions, and just let Ye Yayan feed a elixir into Ye Zihan's mouth.

They didn't react until the elixir entered Ye Yayan's mouth, but after they realized it, it had no effect, and the elixir had already melted into Ye Zihan's body.

"Who... are you?" When Leng Huaqing looked at Ye Yayan at this time, he didn't know why he had a familiar feeling. This feeling seemed that the other party was someone he had known for a long time, but in his impression Among them, there is no such person at all.

If it weren't for this inexplicable sense of familiarity, he wouldn't have reacted like this at this time.

Of course, Feng Linghan also felt this kind of familiarity, and he also felt inexplicably familiar with Ye Yayan.

As for the others, they didn't feel anything, but they felt that the person in front of them didn't seem to pose any threat or danger to them.

Otherwise, with the elusive means they used just now, if they wanted to kill them, they could have done so long ago, but now, they are all standing upright, obviously, they don't intend to do it.

"It doesn't matter who I am, I just want to know, who hurt him?" Although everyone had wounds to some extent, they were not fatal, but Ye Zihan's body was definitely a knife Fatal, if it wasn't for her sudden appearance and the Life Pill, I'm afraid Ye Zihan and her would be separated forever.

Ye Yayan's voice was icy cold, as if it could freeze people at any time.

Regarding Ye Yayan's reaction, everyone was a little uncertain for a while.

At this moment, they wanted to know the relationship between Ye Zihan and the person in front of them. If it wasn't someone with a particularly good relationship, they definitely wouldn't react like this. Now, she wanted to vent her anger on Ye Zihan.

"Ye family!" Feng Linghan was calmer than anyone present, and he also knew the purpose of Ye Yayan's question, so he said it without the slightest reservation.

Furthermore, it was indeed the Ye family who made Ye Zihan look like this.

After hearing that it was Ye's family, Ye Yayan's eyes shot out colder and colder, that kind of coldness seemed extreme and could freeze people.

"Why did you come back to the Sunset Forest?" Ye Yayan was surprised to meet Ye Zihan and the others in the Sunset Forest. You must know that they are all members of the family that need to be protected, but now, they But it appeared in the setting sun forest.

Knowing that the setting sun forest is dangerous, their family will definitely not let them come.

"We are here to practice!" When Lian said these two words, there was bitterness in Leng Huaqing's eyes.

None of them are stupid people, so they naturally know the purpose of the family doing this.

Give up, they are all people who were abandoned by the family.

If it was just Ye Zihan, Ye Yayan believed that he was abandoned by the Ye family, but the strength of Leng Huaqing and Feng Linghan is obvious to all, why did they also suffer the abandonment of the family?

"Are you sure you didn't come here to die?" Ye Yayan wanted to force them to tell the truth. Although the truth was cruel, she wanted to tear off this cruel skin!

(End of this chapter)

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