Chapter 339
She wants to know the truth of the matter, but judging from her current appearance, they will definitely not tell the truth, but if they use the most cruel words, they can draw out the hatred hidden in their hearts. In this case, she You will be able to hear the most authentic information.

Her younger brother is absolutely not allowed to be bullied, Ye family, great job!

As soon as Ye Yayan's words came out, the faces of all the people present changed suddenly, and the eyes they looked at Ye Yayan also became ruthless.

Although they are all outcasts of the family, they have their arrogance, and their arrogance will never allow them to be so slandered, their hatred will burst out at this moment.

"Shut up, you don't know anything, you don't have the right to say anything about us!" The first person who erupted was not someone Ye Yayan knew, but a woman, a hot and hot woman.

"Hehe... Don't you have any rights? You are all outcasts of the family. Don't you find it ridiculous that you still want to protect the interests of the family?" Ye Yayan's words were like a sharp knife piercing their hearts.

The sharp blade stabbed them in agony, and the heart that had been shattered was severely torn again.

Yes, they are all outcasts of the family. They were abandoned by the family and forced into the sunset forest by them. Now they, even their lives are in the hands of others. There is no arrogance for them like this.

However, even so, their self-esteem does not allow them to bow their heads.

Ye Yayan saw that everyone's eyes were full of hatred, but she didn't vent it out. She knew that her fire wasn't enough.

"All of you are abandoned by the family, are you just willing to degenerate like this?" Ye Yayan's voice was so heavy that everyone's eardrums bulged.

How could it be possible to give up and degenerate?

They won't just forget it, family, they will definitely go back, but the premise is that they are still alive.

"You don't know anything, you don't know at all, you have never experienced the cruelty in a big family!" The fiery woman was still speaking, and the others fell into silence.

Although they have seen the cruelty of the big family since they were born, they have never experienced it like this. Originally, they planned to stay out of it. No matter how hot the fire outside was, it would not burn them. They also gave up. The ambition to become the patriarch.

However, after Ye Yayan's death, Ye Zihan, Leng Huaqing and Feng Linghan launched an attack on the position of patriarch. They knew that only rights can protect the people they want to protect.

However, when they really entered the core of the family, they realized that things were not as simple as they imagined. Even though the strength and talent they showed were among the best among the younger generation of their family, they couldn't stand the ulterior motives.

Especially Ye Zihan, his talent is not considered outstanding among the Ye family, but this time, he also launched a fierce attack, and the conceivable result was that he was deceived again and again.

Although they also knew who the person who shot secretly was, they were helpless.

Just like this time, they were abandoned by the family, forcing them to enter the sunset forest.

Whether it was the Sunset Forest before or the Sunset Forest now, one can imagine the danger inside, but even if the family knew about it, they still had no hesitation, knowing that they would never return this time, they even wrote them a bad check , a blank check that they have no way to reject.

(End of this chapter)

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