Chapter 358

Ye Yayan's heart is still very big. She knows that the Wan Jianzong that Luo Lihao is talking about is not the Wan Jianzong in Yuntian Continent, but after knowing the relationship between Luo Lihao and Wan Jianzong, even if this Wan Jianzong and Wan Jianzong It doesn't matter what Luo Lihao said about Wan Jianzong, she also wants to uproot it.

What's more, the Wan Jianzong here is still the branch of Wan Jianzong in his mouth. If so, she has even more reasons to destroy it.

Of course, she is not a bloodthirsty person. If the disciples in Wanjianzong are good people, she will definitely not kill them all. However, if they are wolves with blindfolds, then she will do justice for the sky.

"You don't have to do anything, you just need to protect yourself!" Luo Lihao had no other demands, the only thing he thought about was Ye Yayan's safety.

She's fine, and so is he.

"Yan'er, Wan Jianzong, it's not that simple, even Wan Jian on Yuntian Continent, it's not easy, so, you don't need to do anything, if there is anything, your man will do it!" Luo Li When Hao said the words "your man", he was full of pride, as if the great river and mountains were in his own hands.

He also suddenly fell in love with these four words, how domineering your man is.

Ye Yayan blushed slightly after hearing Luo Lihao's last words, but fortunately she was not a hypocritical person, and soon calmed down, "I will be careful, but let me do nothing, I will Can't do it!"

Yes, she can't do it, she can be very careful, or hibernate, but if you want her to do nothing, then of course she can't do it.

Hearing Ye Yayan's words, Luo Lihao sighed. He knew Ye Yayan's temperament, but he still didn't want her to be in danger.

"Yan'er, half of the blood in your body comes from the blood of the demon king. Although the blood of the demon king is currently closed, as your strength improves, the blood of the demon king will gradually break out. But, if you To enter Wanjianzong, the blood of the demon king in your body must be completely sealed!" Luo Lihao always thinks about Ye Yayan in everything he does.

Even Wan Jianzong in Yuntian Continent has a profound background.

The reason why the demon clan was exterminated is that he still hasn't figured it out until now, so he won't let Ye Yayan's demon king's bloodline leak out.

Furthermore, the place of Wanjianzong also has tests for bloodline and talent level. Once Ye Yayan enters Wanjianzong, what awaits her must be killing.

"Okay, seal it completely!" Ye Yayan asked for it to be sealed without any hesitation.

Although the blood of the demon king can allow her to communicate with monsters, and even use her own blood to scare monsters, but Ye Yayan knows that once her blood of the demon king is exposed, what awaits her is endless assassinations.

Don't talk about whether the demon clan has been destroyed, but the talent of the demon king's bloodline is what they are afraid of. Of course, there is the most important point, that is, those who are not of my race will be punished.

If they knew that half of the blood in her body was the blood of the demon king, then she would really be dead.

"Seal, it's very painful!" If the blood of the demon king in Ye Yayan's body has not awakened, then he will add another seal on her body, which will not harm her, but now, the blood of the demon king in Ye Yayan's body has awakened , even, this talent has been integrated into her flesh and blood, once sealed, then she...

Thinking of the pain Ye Yayan had to bear, Luo Lihao's heart throbbed...

(End of this chapter)

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