The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 359 Let's sleep together

Chapter 359 Let's Sleep Together
Sealing, not only has to bear pain, but also her body will be extremely weak for a period of time, even if she takes medicine, her body will not recover in an instant.

If he had other options, he would definitely not do it. Watching Ye Yayan suffer, it would make him more uncomfortable than killing him, but if Ye Yayan chooses to enter Wanjianzong, he must Seal the blood of the demon king in his body.

Even if you have to bear the pain now, it's better than killing Ye Yayan.

He can be [-]% sure that if Ye Yayan does nothing and directly enters Wanjianzong, then she will die!
"Pain, I'm not afraid!" Yes, no matter how great the pain is, she can bear it. To become a strong person, suffering is a must.

"But I don't want to!" He knew Ye Yayan's strength, but he really didn't want her to bear that kind of pain.

"Li Hao, I have to bear the pain of growing up. If I get scared and shrink back, will I still be the same me?" If she really shrinks back, then she is her.

Even if it hurts to death, she will bear it.

"Okay!" This kind of Ye Yayan was the Ye Yayan he hoped for.

Ye Yayan is beautiful, but what really attracts him is her soul, her inner being.

He has seen many women who are more beautiful than Ye Yayan, but none of them are attractive to him, let alone attractive, he is not even willing to give him a look.

Of course, if Ye Yayan wasn't Mu Wan's daughter, he would definitely not have glanced at her the first time he saw her. However, with getting in touch with her, Ye Yayan attracted more and more his attention and appetite. .

"You take a rest today, and we will start tomorrow!" Tonight is not a suitable time, and Ye Yayan also needs to relax.

During the days with her, he knew that her nerves were tense every day, and there was never a day when she was relaxed, so tonight, she needs to relax.

"Tonight, let's sleep together!" As soon as Luo Lihao said this, Ye Yayan's face changed suddenly.

sleep together!

What is rhythm?
This is too fast. Although she is the soul of the 21st century, she is not such a relaxed person. She really can't take this last step.

"Ahem... where are you thinking!" After saying this, Luo Lihao's face turned red, and he secretly said badly, but he didn't speak in time, he wanted to see how Ye Yayan would react .

When he saw Ye Yayan's blushing face, but there was no sign of rage, he was in an extremely good mood. However, as Ye Yayan's face became more and more red, he knew that he had to speak, otherwise he would There will be a backlash.

"Ah?" Ye Yayan couldn't react, and looked at Luo Lihao with confusion.

Did she get it wrong?
Luo Lihao didn't mean that, did she want it?
Thinking of this, the red tide that had just receded suddenly surged back.

Could it be that she is a **** subconsciously?

Luo Lihao looked at Ye Yayan's blushing face strangely, a little inexplicably, "Yan'er, where did you go?"

Luo Lihao was a little curious, although he also thought of it a little bit, but he really didn't dare to think in that direction, because as long as he thought of that direction, his breathing would become short, and if so, the evil in his heart would be exposed .

However, Ye Yayan's reaction was also very strange, which made him want to break the casserole and ask the bottom line, to find out the bottom line!

(End of this chapter)

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