Chapter 361 Can't We Be Together
Seeing Luo Lihao's fiery eyes, Ye Yayan muttered inwardly.

She was too clear about what that look represented.

Even if she doesn't have any experience, if she sees this look in her eyes, if she pretends that she doesn't know, then she is really deceiving herself.

"Li Hao..."

"Don't talk, otherwise, I don't know if I will do anything!" Ye Yayan opened his mouth, but Luo Lihao blocked it.

He thought, he wanted it very much, and he was very urgent, but he didn't take any further action.

He knew that even if he really threw Ye Yayan down now, she might not blame him, but he would not do that.

He wanted to give Ye Yayan the best first time, and it was also their first time.

Naturally, it won't be so hasty.

So, now, he can only endure.

There is a saying that if you can endure what others cannot bear, you will be able to accomplish what you cannot!
At this moment, only the word forbearance can calm him down.

The fiery embrace makes each other's hormones intensify.

Luo Lihao's breath sprayed on Ye Yayan's neck, making her very uncomfortable. She wanted to move her body, but heard Luo Lihao's cold sucking sound.

"Yan'er, if you move again, I will never let you go so easily!" One sentence made Ye Yayan stop moving, and in an instant, his body began to stiffen.

She knew what Luo Lihao meant, so she didn't dare to act rashly.

Time passed by every minute, and finally, Luo Lihao's breathing became steady, and the heat from his body began to dissipate.

If Luo Lihao hadn't been able to bear this, I'm afraid there would be an upheaval at this time.

If this scene really happened, Luo Lihao would definitely regret it, because he wanted to give Ye Yayan the most beautiful.

Fortunately, his self-control didn't work, and he didn't do anything that he regretted for the rest of his life.

"Yan'er, you have hurt me!" This kind of depression is really not something that ordinary people can do, at least, he endured it very painfully.

Ye Yayan wisely didn't speak, she didn't want to suffer Li Hao's fate now, so silence is the best choice.

After a long time, Luo Lihao finally let go of Ye Yayan. If the hug continues like this, the anger suppressed in his body will definitely rise again.

"Yan'er, after the Black Wind Valley, it's time for me to leave!" Although it shouldn't be said at this time, Luo Lihao still wanted to tell Ye Yayan in advance.

Once she entered Wan Jianzong, that was when he left.

"Can't we be together?" She was used to his presence, and if he left, she would definitely be very uncomfortable.

After getting used to it, I naturally don't want him to leave.

"I'm very happy to hear you say this. I once swore that unless Wan Jianzong perishes, I will not take a step into Wan Jianzong, so..." So, he can only leave, leave him Love!
This choice made him painful and uneasy.

Ye Yayan is like a luminous body, emitting light and heat all the time. This kind of person is really attractive. Even if it is men's clothing now, it still deeply attracts everyone's attention.

Wan Jianzong, although he is not ashamed, he has to say that the characters in it are all outstanding characters, and he is afraid that Ye Yayan will get lost there.

If Ye Yayan abandons him, what should he do?
Thinking of this, Luo Lihao's eyes became complicated.

If he hadn't thought this way before, maybe he wouldn't have noticed it, but now that he had thought of this scene, he wouldn't let it happen!

(End of this chapter)

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