Chapter 362 Worried About You

"Yan'er, I'm a little worried about you!" Ye Yayan couldn't react to Luo Lihao's sudden turn.

What does it mean?
What worries him about her?
Ye Yayan's IQ is high, and her EQ is also good, but now, she really can't turn around, she is very relieved of herself.

"Worry? I won't make a move without being sure!" Ye Yayan decisively misunderstood the meaning of Luo Lihao's words. In her opinion, what he was worried about was that she would do something earth-shattering. Weeping ghosts and gods.

"Alas..." Luo Lihao sighed slightly when she heard Ye Yayan's words, she was completely unaware of the charm she exuded, fortunately, Ye Yayan is now dressed as a woman disguised as a man, otherwise, he would Really worry to death.

But even if Ye Yayan is dressed as a man, it will still attract men's attention. This time, a woman is also added. You must know that the stalking power of a woman is absolutely unbearable.

"By the way, Li Hao, Hua Feifei knows I'm a woman!" Ye Yayan didn't understand Luo Lihao's sigh.

"She knows?" Hearing Ye Yayan's words, Luo Lihao's heart tightened, he was really worried about something.

In Wan Jianzong, he absolutely must not let others know that Ye Yayan is a woman.

"Well, she said that her sixth sense is more sensitive than ordinary people. The moment she saw me, she knew I was a woman!" She had no doubts about the yin and yang ring that Luo Lihao gave her.

If she enters Wanjianzong, if she is found to be a woman, she will definitely cause trouble, especially her identity, so that she cannot be exposed.

"There probably won't be many such people, but just in case, I'll reinforce it!" If Ye Yayan hadn't mentioned this point, he might not have noticed it.

"Here!" Ye Yayan handed back the Yin-Yang ring worn on his finger to Luo Lihao, seeing the ring detached from his finger, a smile flashed in Ye Yayan's eyes.

"What are you laughing at?" Luo Lihao looked at the warm smile on Ye Yayan's face and eyes, feeling a little weird.

"Li Hao, do you know what the ring represents?" Ye Yayan decided to popularize 21 knowledge to Luo Lihao and let him know the meaning of the ring.

"Jingzi? I don't understand!" Luo Lihao was still very frank, he didn't understand if he didn't understand, and he wouldn't pretend to understand.

"Ring, in our place, if a man gives a woman a ring, it means a marriage proposal. Once the woman accepts the ring, it means that she has accepted his proposal!" Li Hao became excited.

Accepting the ring means accepting the marriage proposal and confirming the relationship. It turned out that Ye Yayan made the decision before he knew it.

"Then my proposal is successful?" Luo Lihao waited for Ye Yayan to speak with a smile on his face.

"Hehe... I don't accept such a marriage proposal!" Ye Yayan's eyes flashed with a happy smile. If she really proposes like this, she will not be happy!

Proposal and marriage are the happiest things in life, so you can't be so sloppy.

"Of course I won't let my Yan'er marry me so casually. I will let the whole world know that you, Ye Yayan, are my Luo Lihao's wife, my wife for life!" Their words Weddings will definitely shock the world.

"Luo Lihao, I'm just waiting!" Now that the relationship is confirmed, the last step will come naturally, and she is also looking forward to it, looking forward to the real wedding!

(End of this chapter)

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