Chapter 386 dead

"Yan'er, don't sleep, don't close your eyes, don't..." Luo Lihao looked at Ye Yayan who was slowly closing his eyes, his eyes became more and more anxious.

Once the blood in the body is completely drained, even the god Da Luo can't save it.

"Li Hao, I'm sorry..." Luo Lihao's voice kept coming from Ye Yayan's ears, but she couldn't speak anymore, she could only speak to Luo Lihao from the bottom of her heart.

If the lost blood can no longer be replenished, then she will really enter the realm of death. Although she doesn't want to leave, she has no choice. She can't stop the blood from flowing out of her body, because she doesn't know her Why did his body seem to become a sluice, and it was released like this?

She knew that she had many wounds on her body, but she didn't know why her body was bleeding so much?
Even if she used pills, it would not help. The blood was not under her control at all.

Her eyes were slowly closing, and her consciousness was also dissipating little by little. She knew that she was going to die.

The Grim Reaper has shown his characteristic smile and is walking towards her step by step.

After Ye Yayan looked at Luo Lihao's painful and desperate eyes for the last time, he closed his eyes.

The moment he closed his eyes, Luo Lihao found that Ye Yayan's aura was also dissipating little by little.

"Yan'er!" roared in pain and despair, hovering between heaven and earth at this moment.

At this time, Ye Yayan can be said to have completely shielded everything from the outside world. Although there is still a sigh of relief, it is not much different from death.

She didn't know where she was, she only knew that she was surrounded by darkness, her body couldn't move, she could only quietly wait for death in the darkness.

Do not!
She doesn't want to die!

However, she didn't have any strength at all, she wanted to struggle, she wanted to break free, but it didn't work at all.

She couldn't move, shout, or even express herself.

She, is this dead?
But in the outside world at this time, the aura around Luo Lihao's body was a little out of control.

Between the heaven and the earth, there was constant roar, and cracks appeared in the space.

If Ye Yayan hadn't come to his senses at this moment, then Yuntian Continent would collapse because he couldn't bear Luo Lihao's aura.

This is not a joke, because at this moment, Luo Lihao's aura has begun to be released, and Ling Lie's power has been sublimated to the extreme at this moment.

cough cough...

I don't know if it's because of too much power, Ye Zihan and the others have begun to wake up slowly, but when they saw Luo Lihao's appearance as if he was going to destroy the world, everyone couldn't bear it. He held his breath and didn't make any sound.

When everyone's eyes touched the lifeless Ye Yayan on the boat, their expressions were full of disbelief.

They thought about any possibility, but they didn't think that Yayan would die overnight.

With someone as powerful as Luo Lihao by her side, no matter what, nothing will happen to her.

But now, what did they see!
Ye Yayan lay there unconsciously, while Luo Lihao showed some signs of madness, even if he didn't have to guess, he knew what happened.

The cold wind around them cut their skin apart one by one, and the blood continued to flow down. However, at this moment, everyone didn't care. Their eyes were fixed on Luo Lihao, for fear that he would do something extreme. action.



In the sky, thunder continued, and they were surprised to find that the entire space seemed to be split.

Is this all Luo Lihao's masterpiece?

(End of this chapter)

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