The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 387 Don't Blame Mother

Chapter 387 Don't Blame Mother

Indeed he made it!

His whole body was filled with a sharp breath, which made them feel uncomfortable.

If this continues, they have no doubt that the space they are in will be shattered!

Before this, they would never have believed that one person's power could shatter the space, but now, the facts were placed in front of them, so they couldn't help but believe it.

But, now, they wanted to stop Luo Lihao from displaying his might.

However, they also understand that their strength is not enough, the only thing that can stop all this is Ye Yayan, and only Ye Yayan.

In an instant, everyone's eyes turned to where Ye Yayan was.

What surprised them was that Ye Yayan was surrounded by a ball of golden light at this time. If they didn't know that Ye Yayan didn't move his body at all, and the person surrounded by this ball of golden light was Ye Yayan, maybe they would Doubt your own eyes.

At this time, Ye Yayan was not dead, but it was not much different from death.

If it is placed in the 21st century, the hospital will tell you that Ye Yayan is fine, but she has not woken up. She has a mind, but she just cannot open her eyes, which is the legendary vegetative state.

This is what Ye Yayan looks like now.

Luo Lihao's eyes never moved away from Ye Yayan's body. The moment Ye Yayan's aura dissipated, he had an urge to destroy the world.

Fortunately, his willpower was astonishing, even in the midst of his rage, his sanity did not dissipate.

Because he discovered one thing, that is the blood contract they made!
There was a blood contract between him and Ye Yayan, and under the influence of this blood contract, if Ye Yayan really died, he would be severely injured, but now, he is fine.

Both body and soul are fine, if so, are you telling him in a disguised form that Ye Yayan is fine.

At this time, she is like this, is she suspended animation?

Can he understand it that way?

hope so!

Therefore, Luo Lihao held back the anger in his heart, the rising anger.

At this time, Ye Yayan's whole body was warm, as if soaking in a hot spring, very comfortable, even the capillaries were clamoring for comfort.

The current Ye Yayan has forgotten the time, the space she is in, and everything. She just feels comfortable now.

Her whole body was full of strength, but even so, she still felt uncomfortable, a kind of discomfort from the soul.

Memory, her extremely important memory, seemed to have completely disappeared at this moment.

What exactly is going on?

Ye Yayan is not stupid, although that important memory seems to have completely disappeared at this moment, but she still understands, so she has to remember, she can't let that memory disappear with the memory.

However, even if she thought about it, she still couldn't recall that important memory.

As she continued to recall, a voice from the bottom of her heart suddenly rang in her ears.

"My daughter..." Just these four words made Ye Yayan's body tense up, and his eyes were full of confusion.

This voice seems to have existed in memory, but it is not so clear.

But the voice didn't dissipate at this moment, on the contrary, it became louder and louder in her confusion.

"My daughter, don't blame mother!" The four clear words came to Ye Yayan's ears again. After realizing what these four words were, Ye Yayan's body tensed even more !
(End of this chapter)

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