Chapter 389 Bloodline Fusion 1
"My daughter, don't blame your mother for being cruel, and don't blame your mother for leaving when you were so young. There is nothing you can do about it. I have a reason to leave. Yan'er, if you can, mother hopes that you will not be strong, but that you will be ordinary , I hope you will be so mediocre for the rest of your life..." The following words continued, but Ye Yayan didn't have much desire to listen.

Because between the lines in Mu Wan's words, she was telling her to be an ordinary person. Only an ordinary person would have no worries about her life.

Although he said so, Ye Yayan couldn't do it.

She has their blood in her body, no matter how ordinary she is, she will be extraordinary, not to mention the fetters of the blue bracelet, which makes her even more impossible to be ordinary.

What Mu Wan wanted was impossible to realize.

Ye Yayan's ordinaryness will never be again.

"Yan'er, mother is gone, I hope you take good care of yourself. Although the Ye family is not good, it can still protect your safety. If one day, this sentence falls into your ears, don't be surprised, just , if that's the case, it's impossible for you to become ordinary! Sigh..." A heavy sigh ended the topic, and Mu Wan's voice stopped abruptly.

No parent wants their children to be ordinary, especially Ye Yayan, who has their blood, naturally cannot be ordinary, but in order for Ye Yayan to survive, Mu Wan hopes that she is ordinary, because only ordinary, she It is possible to survive.

She can die, but Ye Yayan can't.

Therefore, even when she was six years old, from the moment she remembered, she never told Ye Yayan everything about her, because she hoped that she would never know about it. .

Even if there is hatred, it is towards her. As long as Ye Yayan is safe and sound, she can bear no amount of hatred.

However, even so, she still left such a passage in her mind. If one day, Ye Yayan can hear this passage, then she will not stop her rise. Of course, after hearing this passage At that time, the pain she had to endure was not something ordinary people could bear.

If she can bear it, then she must be soaring into the sky, but if she can't bear it, then she has only one ending, and that is death!
Death is not terrible, what is terrible is the pain before death.

At this moment, Ye Yayan's pain had just begun.

Mu Wan is the demon king, she can become the king of the demon tribe, her abilities and strength are naturally not comparable to ordinary people, naturally, the person she likes will not be simple, and what Luo Lihao said, no matter it is the night Neither Yayan's mother nor father are ordinary people.

Ye Yayan, who has the blood of the two of them, naturally cannot live a life of mediocrity, so now, her blood is being stimulated.

Before, the blood in her body was flowing out of her body uncontrollably, in order to allow fresh blood to inject.

This time, Ye Yayan was going to become a brand new Ye Yayan, of course not in soul, but in body.

The blood of the Demon King, plus Ye Yayan's father's blood, and of course, Luo Lihao's blood, these three bloods are about to merge.

The fusion of blood is a silent pain for anyone, but now, Ye Yayan has to bear it, alone.

If the fusion can be done smoothly, then Ye Yayan's strength will skyrocket, but if the fusion is not possible, then the only thing waiting for Ye Yayan is death.

And death is her only relief!
(End of this chapter)

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