Chapter 390 Bloodline Fusion 2
Merging, the blood of the three is constantly merging.

Luo Lihao's bloodline is much weaker than the demon king's bloodline and another bloodline, so the fusion of this bloodline is faster.

However, even if it is fast, the pain Ye Yayan endured will be enormous.

At this time, Ye Yayan, if it wasn't because he couldn't cry out for pain, his shouts would probably resound throughout the sky.

Pain, pain that cannot be described in words at all, after this kind of pain, all pain will be nothing to worry about.

The blood is discharged from the body little by little, and then merged into the body little by little.

At this time, Ye Yayan was like a wooden man, allowing the blood to flow in and out, but he didn't react at all.

It wasn't that she didn't want to respond, but that she couldn't give a response at all. She wanted to pass out, but found that she couldn't. She could only bear the pain.

Only then did Ye Yayan understand what it was to be in extreme pain.

Faint, unable to pass out.

Die, can't die!
She could only passively bear the bone-biting pain.

As the pain deepened, Ye Yayan's body began to become illusory, surrounded by golden light.

If Ye Yayan can't bear it at this moment, then she will completely disappear in this world.

The bloodline from her father is extremely domineering, if she can't bear it, she might as well dissipate in this world.

This is the dominance of their lineage!

If Ye Yayan couldn't bear it, then her father's blood would completely kill her.


A fighting spirit ignited in Ye Yayan's heart.

God, if she wants to die, she will not die!
If the earth is to be destroyed, she will not be destroyed!
I control my own life!

Her life, her fate, can only be in her own hands, don't think about others!

An awe-inspiring breath was released from her body. At this moment, Luo Lihao, who was outside, also noticed the fluctuation of Ye Yayan's breath.

After fully feeling Ye Yayan's aura, Luo Lihao heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Ye Yayan is still there!

At this moment, he is extremely happy!

At this moment, he is extremely happy!
No matter what the ending is, as long as Ye Yayan is well!

His only wish in this life is for Ye Yayan to be safe and sound!

Time passed minute by minute, and Ye Yayan, who was surrounded by golden light, became thinner and thinner, as if he could be dispersed by the wind.

Although outsiders could not see Ye Yayan wrapped in the golden light, Luo Lihao still sweated for it.

Even though he doesn't know what happened inside, he can be sure that Ye Yayan is in a moment of life and death.

If successful, then her future must be bright;
If it fails, then she will never have the chance to see the sun again!
This is survival!
Under the golden light, Ye Yayan's eyelids became heavier and heavier, and the physical pain made her want to give up everything.

However, in the subconscious, there is a force supporting her and allowing her to live.

"Yan'er, Yan'er, you can't give up, you can't give up..." Suddenly, Luo Lihao's voice came into his ears, shaking Ye Yayan's spirit, and his eyes became clear .

Yes, can't give up, she absolutely can't give up.

Once you give up, that is death!
She doesn't want to die, she can't die either!

How could she die without revenge!

In an instant, a force came from unknown where in the dilapidated body, and it was this force that made Ye Yayan's body solidify.

At this moment, the pain in the body seemed to be no longer so painful.

With the support of spiritual strength, everything seems to be negligible!

(End of this chapter)

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