The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 402 People in the Sky Continent Are Unworthy

Chapter 402 People in the Sky Continent Are Unworthy
Feng Linyue didn't speak, he just looked at Ye Yayan in astonishment, and his eyes were full of surprise.

Judging from various reactions, her guess in the bottom of her heart should be right.

The person behind Wan Jianzong probably also came from China in the 21st century, otherwise, Feng Linyue would not have appeared here.

" did you figure it out?" The so-called wise people don't speak secretly, probably they are speaking right now.

Even though Ye Yayan didn't ask anything and Feng Linyue didn't answer anything, everyone understood each other.

The executors of Wan Jianzong are indeed from China in the 21st century, the country where they are located.

This is also the reason why Luo Lihao has been unable to take him down. As a person in the 21st world, he is naturally not comparable to them.

"Use your brain!" Ye Yayan nodded her head.

She indeed guessed it with her head. If the boss behind him didn't come from the 21st century, he wouldn't tolerate such nonsense.

Although it was to find cannon fodder, but if he did this, all the cannon fodder would become scum, and there were very few people left who could stay in the end. These were not cannon fodder at all, but people worth cultivating.

At present, she still doesn't know whether it is the boss of Wan Jianzong in Yuntian Continent or the biggest boss of Wan Jianzong, but one thing is certain, Wan Jianzong of Yuntian Continent, he, Feng Linyue, can definitely speak of.

Luo Lihao listened from the side, although Ye Yayan and Feng Linyue didn't speak very clearly, but as a smart person, he immediately understood what they were talking about.

As for the biggest person of Wan Jianzong, he also wanted to know, if this big boss came from China in the 21st century, then everything would be much simpler.

For a long time, they have thought of the biggest boss of Wan Jianzong too much, because his unexpected means, coupled with his mind, made them jealous, but now, if things are really like Ye Yayan As guessed, they don't need to worry at all.

The people of Huaxia Kingdom in the 21st century, they are still confident that they can take him down in one fell swoop.

"I really want to know whether Wan Jianzong recruited inner disciples this time, is it a blank promise, or does he really want to cultivate?" This answer is very important, no matter what the situation is, the possibility of cannon fodder is very high.

If they really want to cultivate, they definitely shouldn't use this method.

"People in Yuntian Continent are not worthy of entering Wanjianzong!" Feng Linyue told Ye Yayan very clearly that this time, they really wanted to find cannon fodder, or in other words, they wanted to use cannon fodder to reach A dark secret.

Her sixth sense has always been quite accurate, and this time, it is still no exception.

She also glimpsed some secrets from Feng Linyue's words, that is, Feng Linyue is not from Yuntian Continent, he may come from Wan Jianzong of Luolihao's continent, that is, the headquarters of Wan Jianzong.

If this is the case, then what do these Wanjian sect members from the headquarters want to achieve in the Sky Continent?
Suddenly, Ye Yayan felt that things became difficult.

Wan Jianzong, who wanted to find cannon fodder with such a great momentum, must have discovered something, but they couldn't make a move, and they could only be shot by the natives of Yuntian Continent. If this is the case, this time, there will definitely be a bloody storm !
(End of this chapter)

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