The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 403 The fate of arrogance

Chapter 403 The fate of arrogance

On Yuntian Continent, Wan Jianzong is not the only one, there are other sects and aristocratic families. If Wan Jianzong discovers the secret, then other people will find out soon. Once everyone finds out, it will be inevitable. A fight screen will appear.

If they fall into a scramble, the consequences will be unimaginable.

At least, the war is difficult.

There is no one who doesn't like treasures. Wan Jianzong's purpose this time must also be aimed at treasures. If there are no treasures, he would not believe that Ye Yayan was killed. They would mobilize the crowd like this.

"Since the people in Yuntian Continent are not worthy of entering Wanjianzong, why do you still rely on the local residents in Yuntian Continent?" Ye Yayan emphasized the word "reliance", intending to tell Feng Linyue that she had already guessed their purpose.

Sure enough, after hearing Ye Yayan's words, Feng Linyue looked at Ye Yayan very strangely.

He really didn't know that Ye Yayan, who was extremely beautiful in front of him, would be so smart.

Even if he didn't say anything, she was able to guess something from just a few words, and what's more, what she guessed was very close to the facts.

"You are very smart, but you should also understand that smart people don't live long!" At this moment, Feng Linyue became murderous.

Ye Yayan is really too smart, to be able to guess the general reason of the matter in such a short period of time, this is not something ordinary people can do, now she, he still has the ability to take her down in one fell swoop, but what about in the future? ?
This is hard to say, just saying that her intelligence is not comparable to ordinary people, if she is allowed to grow up, then it will be fine.

He must kill it in the cradle. Once such a person becomes an enemy, it is quite terrifying.

"You want to kill me, but it's too late!" A disdainful smile flashed in Ye Yayan's eyes.

If it was before, she might still be afraid, but now, after such a long conversation, if he wants to kill her again, he can't help it.

"You..." After Ye Ya's words, Feng Linyue's body suddenly flickered with light, and Feng Linyue was trapped in an instant.

"Trapped Beast Formation, I think it is very suitable for you! Although you are proficient in formation techniques, this trapped beast formation is not an ordinary formation. I think you will like it very much!" Ye Yayan did not use other formations , but used the simplest formation, and the most important thing is that this formation is called the Beast Formation.

The trapped beast array, as the name suggests, is for trapped beasts. This time, it was used to trap Feng Linyue, obviously treating him as an animal.

Ye Yayan's words were too obvious, even the most stupid person could understand what she meant, and at that moment, sparks appeared in Feng Linyue's eyes.

Unfortunately, it's too late!
His arrogance prevented him from guarding against Ye Yayan's small tricks, and it was under his nose. Of course, the most important thing was that he felt that no one could compare to his formation skills, but I don't know, he's just a frog in a well.

Knowing that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond the human world, he still talks with Ye Yayan so reassuringly. This is a rhythm that he is completely confident in himself.

However, this time, he has to pay the price for his arrogance, and the price is not small.

At least, now, he began to try the bitter fruit.

The caged beast formation that Ye Yayan put up was not just a caged beast formation, but also added some other things.

This is also to "repay" his previous "masterpiece"!
(End of this chapter)

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