Chapter 408
By the way, Ye Yayan guessed it right!
Feng Linyue would never have thought of this point, but Ye Yayan would have guessed it, and the guess was still so accurate.

Feng Linyue didn't speak, but stared at Ye Yayan with a pair of eyes that could still move, and the look in her eyes was really full of murderous intent.

That undisguised killing intent came straight towards Ye Yayan.

Ye Yayan also understood that if he hadn't been pinned down, he might have shot towards her fiercely by now, maybe she had already been attacked by him.

Fortunately, before this incident, Luo Lihao had already prepared a countermeasure.

At this moment, Feng Linyue, even if he wished to poke Ye Yayan into a thousand holes, but he couldn't do it, he could only bury a flame of wind and anger in his heart.

Ye Yayan's words also gave everyone a reminder.

Especially after seeing Feng Linyue's face change, they knew that Ye Yayan's words were close to 80.00%. If it wasn't close to reality, Feng Linyue would never have reacted like this.

The real reason why Wan Jianzong recruited inner disciples this time is to let them explore a place that they can't even enter.

If they're lucky, they might get something out of it, but it won't end up in their pocket.

This, Wan Jianzong, really has a good plan!
clap clap clap...

"You are the smartest girl I have ever seen, but even if you guessed right, even if they know that the road ahead is a dead end, they will continue to move forward. As long as Wan Jianzong does not fall, they will definitely I won't give up joining Wanjianzong, let alone become Wanjianzong's inner disciple!" Feng Linyue's eyes were full of disdain.

Whether it's people from Sky Continent or people from the 21st World, as long as they have enough interests, they will flock to them. Even if they know they will die, they will fight and fight.

In their eyes, in their hearts, only climbing the peak is their final choice.

After Feng Linyue finished speaking, everyone stopped talking. As he said, even now that they knew Wan Jianzong's true purpose, they were still unwilling to give up.

cannon fodder?

so what!
As long as they can survive, that's enough.

Furthermore, the place Wan Jianzong favors must not be an ordinary place. If they can enter and get a chance, then...

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes became hot.

They are all young people who are full of vigor, and they naturally have blood in their hearts. They all want to be strong, and if they want to be strong, then there will naturally be death on the road to the strong, so this time, they still want to enter Go to Wanjianzong.

"Don't tell me that you don't want to join Wan Jianzong, you have to know that as long as you leave here, then you are the inner disciples of Wan Jianzong, and you are also the elder's direct disciples.

Personal disciples of Elder Wan Jianzong, the resources you can obtain may not be comparable to even big families. In addition, this time, you have to enter an unknown cave. The elders of Wan Jianzong will be moved.

Although not all the things you get after you go in may be yours, but I can guarantee here that as long as you get one-half of the things you get, it will fall into your hands, and no one can use it! "Feng Linyue is a smart person, as soon as he saw that everyone was moved, he immediately started lobbying everyone with his three-inch tongue.

(End of this chapter)

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