The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 409 Inexplicable Hostility

Chapter 409 Inexplicable Hostility
Not to mention, after hearing Feng Linyue's words, Feng Linghan and the others were a little bit moved. They had been moved at first, but now, after hearing these words, they lost their persistence.

Why do they want to join Wanjianzong? Isn't it to obtain more resources than the family? If they want to become strong, resources are indispensable. If the family provides them with all their strength, perhaps they will not be so He desperately wanted to join Wan Jianzong, but the family didn't.

Don't say that the family has provided it with all its strength, even ordinary resources will not be given to them, because they are the ones who have been abandoned.

What's the use of good talent, without resources, everything is not for nothing.

If we say that before, their status in the family was not bad, especially Feng Linghan and Leng Huaqing, in their family, the status can be said to be quite good, but with the rise of a certain person in the family, they Their status is getting squeezed out more and more, even giving up on them for that person.

It has to be said that this is the disadvantage of being born into a big family.

But now, Wan Jianzong opened the door and provided resources, which made them go where to find these.

Ye Yayan looked at the emotional expressions on Ye Zihan's faces and sighed slightly.

She also wants to enter Wanjianzong, but her purpose is different from theirs. Resources are nothing in her eyes. She entered Wanjianzong just to know herself and the enemy.

Ha ha…

Seeing everyone's expressions, Feng Linyue sneered. Of course, his sneer didn't show on his face. It would be bad if he laughed out loud.

The current him, being fixed by life, has no fighting power at all. If he angers them, he will end up in a difficult situation.

As a person who climbed out from the bottom, he has endured a lot of humiliation. He is completely familiar with such things as being able to bend and stretch, and he has no feeling at all.

"Feng Linyue, as a person from the same place, do you have the right to laugh at them? Didn't you trample on your self-esteem when you entered Wanjianzong?" Others may not know what Feng Linyue was thinking at this time, But Ye Yayan saw it clearly.

In Feng Linyue's eyes, he is full of disdain for them and shameless towards them. In his view, they are all a bunch of scum. If they are not useful, he would not bother to say such things. The most important thing is, Now, he is a fish, at the mercy of others.

If it weren't for the environment he was in now, he wouldn't have said these things at all. You know, he felt disgusted when these words came out of his mouth.

As soon as Ye Yayan said this, Feng Linyue's face changed, and a look of annoyance flashed in his eyes. He had forgotten about Ye Yayan, this person is not so easy to dismiss.

Furthermore, from her words, he could also sense that she didn't seem to have the slightest interest in Wan Jianzong's resources, and even had a little bit of disdain. After all, what confidence does she have?
He admitted that Ye Yayan is indeed good, but Wan Jianzong is a huge monster, most people would not react like this at all, even after knowing that he is a member of Wan Jianzong, they would bow their knees and even flatter him.

Unfortunately, Ye Yayan is not such a person, she even has deep hostility towards him.

This hostility made him a little baffled!

(End of this chapter)

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