Chapter 419 Arrow of Light
"Now it seems that as long as we don't leave this place, we will not be in danger. Although the terrifying voice seemed to be very close to us, I think this voice is only for intimidation!" Hua Feifei said own opinion.

The terrifying sound they heard before was really terrifying. That sound seemed to be made by many dangerous creatures. If they really matched, I'm afraid they really weren't their opponents.

However, she also noticed that if they did not leave this space, then they were safe.

"It's safe here, but we have to get out!" If they just stay in this place, then it doesn't make any sense for them to enter here.

"Yeah, we have to go out. If we continue here, I'm afraid they will kill us!" This was Ye Yayan's intuition.

Since Luo Lihao said that this place is dangerous, there must be something dangerous about it. The place they are now is indeed very safe, but they don't know whether there are hidden dangers under this safety.

Moreover, Ye Yayan felt that if they still stayed in this place, they would be directly obliterated by the rules. As for how to get out, she believed that they would be able to go out when the time came.

"Huh? I really want to see the light ahead!" Ye Zihan's voice was full of surprise.

Light indicates hope. Although they don't know whether this light is the light of hope, it is better than being trapped in darkness.

In addition, Ye Yayan's words let them know that even staying in this place is extremely dangerous, if that's the case, they might as well go for a break.

At the moment, everyone is ready to fight and head towards the place where the light is.

Along the way, they didn't encounter any accidents, and even the terrifying voice didn't ring in their ears. Could it be that the matter is that simple?

"Stop, stop!" Suddenly, Ye Yayan felt a palpitation of power, and immediately told everyone to stop.

With a whoosh, a piercing sound came straight towards the faces of the crowd. The sudden change made the crowd a little unresponsive.


The clear water in Ye Yayan's hand showed its power, and immediately chopped off an arrow, splitting it into two sections.

"This is the arrow of light!" Seeing the arrow split into two by Ye Yayan, Xu Danchen's face was full of surprise.

"The arrow of light, how is it possible?" Obviously, everyone didn't think that the arrow cut off by Ye Yayan was the arrow of light, and the only one who didn't know the truth, Ye Yayan, naturally didn't think it was a good thing.

"Look, what is this?" In order to convince everyone that this is the arrow of light, Xu Danchen picked up the arrow on the ground, pointed at the arrow so that everyone could clearly see the word on the arrow - light!
Not to mention, it is indeed these two words.

However, if it is the arrow of light, why is it here?

And will sneak attack them?

The Arrow of Light has different meanings to the Temple of Light. Is this Arrow of Light that appeared rashly a counterfeit?

For some reason, they instinctively felt that the Arrow of Light that appeared in front of them and was divided into two by Ye Yayan was not the real Arrow of Light, but a Xibei product!
If it is really the arrow of light, then it will not be cut off so easily at all!

(End of this chapter)

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