Chapter 420 Collusion

However, they didn't know that the Clear Water Sword in Ye Yayan's hand was a divine weapon, and this Bright Arrow was just a sacred weapon.

Divine Artifact versus Holy Artifact, one can imagine who is stronger and who is weaker.

However, Ye Yayan would not take the initiative to bring this up. It would be fine if they could guess it themselves. If they couldn't guess it, forget it.

She is not a person who likes to show off, as long as they think it is right, they are right, and they are wrong. After all, this is not the main thing.

"Whether it's true or not, what's going on with this Arrow of Light that suddenly appeared?" Now, regardless of whether the Arrow of Light is real or not, let's talk about why this Arrow of Light appeared, and why did it appear so suddenly? Accurately coming towards them?

"I said, can you tell me what is the use of this arrow of light first?" Ye Yayan's weak voice sounded, for her, she really didn't know the effect of this arrow of light.

"You don't know the arrow of light?" Hua Feifei was surprised when she heard Ye Yayan's words.

This person doesn't even know the arrow of light. She couldn't have escaped from some old forest, right?

"I don't know!" Ye Yayan didn't feel ashamed because she didn't know the arrow of light, she didn't know, even if she didn't know, she didn't have to slap her swollen face to pretend to be fat.

"Xiaoyan, the arrow of light can only come from the Temple of Light. The Temple of Light can be said to be the place with the largest number of believers in Yuntian Continent. As long as there are people, there will be believers of the Light. They believe in the Temple of Light. They think they are disciples of the gods.

If there is anyone in this world who can compete with the empire, it is only the Temple of Light and the Temple of Darkness.

Of course, the Dark Temple has always been sanctioned, but there are also many believers in the Dark Temple, and it is usually evil cultivators who join the Dark Temple.

And the arrow of light is something that represents the temple of light, and under normal circumstances, it will not appear in the hands of people outside the temple of light! "Ye Zihan felt strange while explaining to Ye Yayan.

If it is said that the Arrow of Light will not appear in the hands of people outside the Temple of Light, then does the sudden appearance of the Arrow of Light mean that the person who sneaked up on them from behind is someone from the Temple of Light?

If this is the case, then what is the relationship between the Temple of Light and Wan Jianzong?
This place is obviously the territory of Wanjianzong. Now, people from the Temple of Light appear in Wanjianzong. What does this mean?
Even the most stupid and stupid people can guess the relationship between each other.


The word may not be used, but right now, collusion is all they can think of.

If the Guangming Temple really colluded with Wan Jianzong, what kind of storms and waves will be set off on the Yuntian Continent.

The Temple of Light and the Wan Jianzong are both one of the most powerful forces in the Sky Continent. If the two collude, there will be no good things.

Could it be that they want to dominate the Sky Continent, or even control the Sky Continent?

Suddenly, they seemed to realize something. If this is the case, then the ambitions of Wan Jianzong and Guangming Temple are too great.

"A bright arrow doesn't mean anything. Maybe this is Wan Jianzong's suspicion, let us make wild guesses!" Wan Jianzong may not be able to do this kind of thing.

Youdao is that the pressure of public opinion is extremely powerful. If everyone points their finger at the Temple of Light, then maybe the two will really collude by then.

(End of this chapter)

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