Chapter 421 Not the Savior

Things that didn't exist before may become possible after their propaganda.

Such a thing has not happened before.

Therefore, before everything is clear, they absolutely cannot define it by themselves!

You can't do such a thing out of context!
Everyone nodded when they heard Ye Yayan's words. Indeed, this is just their conjecture. Furthermore, the arrows in their hands may not be the real arrows of light. If things are not as they guessed, what will happen? They can't afford it.

"Then if things are really as we guessed, what should we do?" Once Wan Jianzong colluded with the Temple of Light, what is their purpose?
The combination of the two major forces does not mean that whoever takes a fancy to whom must have their interests. Only interests can make the two major forces unite.

"What can we do? Thousands of worlds, it's not like we can't do without us, we just watch, watch them make trouble!" Hua Feifei's words are quite right.

With their small arms and legs, it is absolutely impossible for them to be enemies with these two major forces. If they are really enemies, they will be digging their own graves.

A smart person would only choose to watch a play!

They are not saviors, they want to save the world with everything they have, they are just ordinary people, ordinary people, they can only use their own way of life to live, not to change.

"That being said, aren't you all curious why this arrow is shooting at us?" Just after everyone had played down the matter, Xu Danchen opened his mouth unexpectedly.

When he spoke, Ye Yayan was a little surprised.

She knew that Xu Danchen was not a talkative person, otherwise, he would have always been a quiet and handsome man, but now, he kept talking again and again. About the temple.

What does he have to do with the Temple of Light?
Ye Yayan had to think about this aspect, no matter whether he had hatred or kindness, he must have something to do with the Temple of Light, otherwise, he wouldn't hold on to the Temple of Light.

"Xu Danchen, you're weird!" She would say this if it wasn't for the good relationship between him and Ye Zihan, if not, she would be more direct.

Although these words were not euphemistic, they also gave Xu Danchen face.

"Do you think I have something to do with the Temple of Light? Hehe..." After Ye Ya finished speaking, Xu Danchen suddenly laughed. Although his laughter was ugly, his appearance was still a bit seductive.

Fortunately, Ye Yayan is not a face control, otherwise, maybe, she would have been really affected.

"Is it okay?" Xu Danchen is worthy of being a smart person, she just mentioned it, and he immediately guessed, if there is no ghost in his heart, then why does he care so much?

The more Ye Yayan thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Could it be that he is really a member of the Temple of Light?
The conversation between Ye Yayan and Xu Danchen caused Ye Zihan and the others to keep moving their puzzled eyes back and forth.

Why do they have a weird feeling?

"Relationship, indeed!" The corners of Xu Danchen's lips curled up, and what he said surprised Ye Zihan and the others.

Even though they don't play together often, they still know each other well. They don't know that Xu Danchen is related to the Temple of Light, and from his words, it's not difficult to hear that the relationship is very close!
(End of this chapter)

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