Chapter 428

At the same time, everyone felt a burst of pain.

Bite, they were bitten by inexplicable creatures.

The moment they were bitten, everyone couldn't help but want to scream, but they still held back.

They are men, they cannot scream.

But, what a pain!

Ye Yayan, like Feng Linghan and the others, didn't cry out. It wasn't that she felt the pain, but that the pain was still within her tolerance.

At the beginning, the pain of blood fusion made her miserable, but she could still bear this little pain.

She can bear it, but others can't.

As time went by, the pain became more and more painful, mainly because there were more and more wounds on their bodies, and the blood in their bodies was constantly flowing away.

The passing of blood made their faces pale and terrifying.


Unable to bear it any longer, Ye Zihan yelled out, and after Ye Zihan yelled out, everyone started shouting one after another.

At first, they still wanted to hold back, at least until Ye Yayan yelled out, they had to hold back, but now, they had no choice.

Although screaming can't stop the pain, it seems to hurt even more if you don't scream.

This cry seemed to be exhausted with all its strength.

At this time, Ye Yayan felt as if thousands of ants were gnawing on her body. This level of pain would not cause death, but would plunge one into endless despair.

If it wasn't for her amazing willpower, or if the pain was not as good as the pain she had experienced before, maybe, like Ye Zihan and others, she would not be able to help but shout out.

However, they didn't know that they used their strength to shout, if they were on flat ground, nothing would happen, but now they are in a swamp.

In the swamp, it is forbidden to use force, but now, although they did not let their bodies move, they did use force. Even with only a little bit of strength, their bodies still began to sink.

Not only Ye Yayan was aware of this, but everyone was also aware of it, but they couldn't do anything about it.

After this shout came out, they wanted to stop, but they couldn't stop.

How to do?
If they don't stop, their bodies will sink to the bottom of the swamp.

If Hua Feifei's body was only halfway up just now, then now it is almost at the collarbone, if it continues like this, she will be swallowed by the swamp.

At this moment, everyone felt that death was coming.

No, they couldn't just sit and wait for death, but they couldn't help it at all. The pain in their bodies and the loss of blood made their eyes slowly close unconsciously.

At this moment, Ye Yayan was very anxious, but it was useless to be anxious, because she had no way to get out of this predicament.

Trying to find a way, some plans kept flashing through her mind, but soon, she ruled them out.

There was no way, at this moment, her mind was glued together like glue, so she couldn't think of a way.

It would be great if there were climbing claws at this time.

Wait, climbing claws!

Thinking of this, Ye Yayan was overjoyed, and with a movement of her hand, a climbing claw appeared in her hand.

Seeing the climbing claw, the smile on Ye Yayan's face became even heavier.

They are saved!

(End of this chapter)

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