Chapter 429 Death Bug

With a whoosh, Ye Yayan exhausted all her strength and swung towards a big tree in the distance. Fortunately, her eyesight was good enough, otherwise, she really couldn't grab the climbing claws on the tree trunk.

With this force, Ye Yayan's body sank quickly, but at the same moment, Ye Yayan flew out with the help of his climbing claws.

After Ye Zihan and the others saw Ye Yayan flying out of the swamp, their eyes were full of joy.

They know they are saved.

However, before this joy could spread, they were horrified to find that Ye Yayan's body was covered with bugs.

These insects exude a breath of death.

At the same time, they were horrified to find that Ye Yayan's skin was changing inch by inch.

At this moment, the originally white and tender skin became as dark as night, and the blackness covered the whole body.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help closing their eyes, they didn't want to see this change.

From white and tender to pitch black, it is a symbol of death.

They also did not expect that they would encounter death bugs here!
They didn't even think that there were millions of death bugs in this swamp.

If they hadn't seen the death bugs on Ye Yayan's body, they would not have believed that what was infected on their bodies was the death bugs.

The death bug, as the name suggests, is death, once it is contaminated by the death bug, it will definitely die.

At this moment, everyone thought of a possibility. Although they didn't want to think about this possibility at all, there was no way.

They are covered with death bugs, and the call of death has begun.

No matter what the ending is, they can't escape a death sentence!
This time, I'm afraid, they are really going to die.

Sadness, desolation, at this moment, wrapped around everyone.

Unlike everyone else, Ye Yayan didn't have any trace of sadness, because these death bugs didn't threaten her with death.

Although the skin of her body was changing inch by inch, she didn't feel any pain, which was incomparable to the pain in the swamp before.

And what is surprising is that while the skin is darkening, the new skin actually starts to grow.

The newborn skin made Ye Yayan even more beautiful.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Yayan seemed to be a different person.

Even before, her skin was crystal clear, but now, it has a different kind of beauty.

The moment everyone closed their eyes was the beginning of Ye Yayan's transformation. It's a pity that no one saw such beauty.

Fortunately, they didn't see her, otherwise, Luo Lihao's vinegar jar would have overturned all the old vinegar.

After the changes in herself were no longer obvious, Ye Yayan began to save people, but before that, she heard Bai Ze's voice.

"Master, if you don't want them to die, then you can pull them out of the swamp!" Ye Yayan's physique is completely different from theirs. After being bitten by the death bug, she had a qualitative leap, even The physical strength is much stronger, but the others are different.

Once they get out of the swamp, only death awaits them.

true death!
"What can I do?" Hearing Bai Ze's words, Ye Yayan's expression became quite ugly. She absolutely cannot just watch them die, absolutely not!
"How to do it, alas..." Bai Ze's faint sigh came to his ears, and there was a trace of strangeness in his voice.

Hearing Bai Ze's sigh, Ye Yayan's heart trembled, suddenly, there was a feeling that something bad was about to happen.

(End of this chapter)

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