Chapter 435

Half an hour, she still has half an hour, how can this be enough!

If she just found the fruit of life, it might still be possible, but at the same time she wanted to find the fruit of life, she also had to defeat the guardian beast.

Just thinking about it, I feel that the degree of difficulty is so high!
Time passed by every minute and every second, Ye Yayan's forehead was covered with sweat, and his face became rosy.

At this time, she was obviously very anxious.

That's right, the current her wishes to have hundreds of millions of clones to help her find it together, but now, she doesn't have one, she only has one person, one pair of eyes, and wherever the eyes go, she is shining with light.

Tick ​​tock, time is passing, and the anxious look on Ye Yayan's face is getting stronger and stronger.

Is there really no way?

Is she going to give up?
Do not!
She doesn't give up, even at the last second, she won't give up.

Giving up is definitely not something she would do.

Once again, Ye Yayan began to search in disbelief.

In the contract space, Bai Ze watched Ye Yayan search for the fruit of life like a headless chicken, and his never-give-up spirit made Bai Ze's evaluation of Ye Yayan even better.

However, as far as her current state is concerned, even if she finds it, she will not be able to defeat the guardian beast.

It still has some understanding of the guardian beast.

So, it's no rush!
When that moment really comes, it will strike.

But, before that, it needs to see what method Ye Yayan will use to find the fruit of life!

The fruit of life, the fruit of life, the fruit of life, Ye Yayan only had the fruit of life in his mind at this time, and there was nothing else. She didn't know if it was influenced by her thoughts, but she finally found a trace of the fruit of life.

To her surprise, she found that the fruit of life was moving.


At this moment, Ye Yayan felt surprised.

Is this increasing her difficulty factor?

It was difficult to find the fruit of life in the first place, but now, it is becoming more and more difficult.

The moving life fruit really made her not know what to do.

Most importantly, the life fruit she discovered was only one.

One, is it useful?
Of course there is, but what she wants now is five life fruits, which is far from enough!

Even if she got the fruit of life, let her make a choice.

It's a pity that Ye Yayan didn't notice the expression on Bai Ze's face at this time, otherwise he would definitely find out something inside.

At this time, Bai Ze's face was full of shock, he really didn't expect Ye Yayan's luck to be so good, so good that even the King of Life Fruit appeared.

The king of life fruit is the king of life fruits, as long as there is the king of life fruit, it is not a problem to want as many life fruits as you want.

Of course, the degree of difficulty of holding the King of Life Fruit is even greater.

Now, Ye Yayan obviously didn't know that what she was looking at was the King of Life Fruit. In her view, it was just the Fruit of Life, so she didn't make any choice and went directly to the King of Life Fruit.

The moving speed of the Fruit King of Life is not fast. The moment Ye Yayan noticed the King of Fruit of Life, she was already close to it. However, she didn't choose to take action at this moment because she didn't find any guardian beasts.

No Guardian Beast?
how can that be!

The only possibility is that the guardian beast is hiding aside. If she attacks now, she might be attacked by the guardian beast. If so, the loss outweighs the gain.

Therefore, she has to observe, find the Guardian Beast while observing, and hit it with one hit!
(End of this chapter)

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