The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 436 The Guardian Beast Is Teddy

Chapter 436 The Guardian Beast Is Teddy
After about 10 minutes passed, Ye Yayan still did not find the existence of the guardian beast, no matter whether she checked with her eyes or scanned with her consciousness, she still did not find the guardian beast.

is not it?

Or was the guardian beast hiding so well that she couldn't find any trace?

Either way, it's not good for her.

If the guardian beast's invisibility technique is too good, it will be a great threat to her picking the life fruit.

But at this time, Ye Yayan had no time to think about it, and there was only 10 minutes left!

Within 10 minutes, she had to obtain the life fruit, but there was only one life fruit.

Before he had time to think about it, Ye Yayan made a move.

The moment Ye Yayan's hand was about to touch the life fruit, the Guardian Beast really made a move.

What surprised Ye Yayan was that the speed of the guardian beast's attack was too high. The moment she realized it, it was too late. Even if she was ready, she was successfully attacked by the guardian beast.

The hand was scratched with bloodstains, and the blood had turned black. At this moment, Ye Yayan was poisoned.

If it weren't for her special physique, I'm afraid she would have fallen to the ground by now.

It's a pity that she is Ye Yayan, who has the blood of the demon king and an unknown blood. This kind of blood allows her to be dissolved the moment the toxin enters her body.

The moment she was attacked, Ye Yayan backed away. At this moment, she also saw clearly the true appearance of the guardian beast.

Upon seeing this, he was stunned for a moment, his eyes full of surprise.

This... This is actually a dog!

And as long as there is no problem with her eyes, this is Teddy!

The surprise in her eyes didn't last long, because Teddy in her eyes attacked Ye Yayan.

"Teddy" shot too fast, after the afterimage, Ye Yayan's hands, face, and exposed skin were all bloodstained.

"Human, you want the King of Life Fruit, dream!" Ye Yayan heard such a sentence from "Teddy".

"The king of life fruit? Isn't it the fruit of life?" Ye Yayan didn't react for a moment when he heard the words "life fruit king".

Even if she doesn't know what kind of existence the life fruit king is, she also understands that once she is dubbed the title of "king", she is definitely the "strong man" in the life fruit. If she can catch this life fruit king, then It doesn't matter how many life fruits you want.

Thinking of this, flames appeared in Ye Yayan's eyes, and the raging fire was burning.

Of course, it was a matter of time before the fire in her heart was aroused.

Now, there are only 10 minutes left.

Within 10 minutes, she not only had to deal with the Guardian Beast "Teddy", but also got the King of Life Fruits. Time was running out.

Be quick, be accurate!
After realizing this, Ye Yayan made another move.

"Teddy" is very fast, but Ye Yayan's speed is not slow. After the fusion of the three bloods in her body, she not only improves in strength, but also improves a lot in other aspects.

Therefore, this speed is not slower than "Teddy". In addition, when she was acting, she also gave "Teddy" a hard time. Ye Yayan took out some white powder from the blue space, and in the white powder The moment it appeared, it was sprinkled on "Teddy".

In a competition against poison, she might not necessarily lose!

(End of this chapter)

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