The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 440 Burning World Golden Flame

Chapter 440 Burning World Golden Flame
Burning World Jinyan!

No matter what, Bai Ze would never have thought that Ye Yayan's body would be surrounded by Fenshi Jinyan.

You must know that Fenshi Jinyan has not appeared in this world for a long time. He originally thought that Fenshi Jinyan had completely disappeared, but he did not expect that he would appear in front of it so quietly.

If it wasn't for the golden light shining from Ye Yayan's body, it probably wouldn't have thought that this was the Fenshi Jinyan.

However, if this is really Fen Shi Jin Yan, then why didn't it realize how powerful it is.

Wait, is there a place that is ignored by it.

At this time, the Guardian Beast also opened its mouth and eyes wide, and looked at Ye Yayan in horror.

When it realized that the flames around Ye Yayan were Burning World Jin Yan, its first reaction was to run away.

Run away!
If it is contaminated with a little bit of the Burning Golden Flame, then its life will be completely lost.

If it was still reluctant to part with the King of Life Fruit before, it is definitely very reluctant now.

At the moment, the Treasure Hunting Beast spread its legs and went straight to the distance.

If you don't escape now, when will you wait.

In an instant, the Treasure Hunting Beast disappeared without a trace.

At this time, Ye Yayan was still wrapped by Fenshi Jinyan.

"Master, I'll feed them the life fruit first!" The time is almost up, if they don't do it again, those people will die.

Immediately, Bai Ze made a move.

At this moment, the people trapped in the dregs were dying.

Although the time was fixed by Bai Ze, the toxins in their bodies kept circulating, which is why Bai Ze wanted to feed the life fruit into their mouths at this time!

The lives of Ye Zihan and the others are already in a critical state, and their lives may die at any time. After eating the life fruit, although the toxin has begun to ease, the blood lost in the body is not so easy to replenish.

So, at this moment, their faces were still pale and feeble. Of course, they were much better than when they were in the swamp.

After saving people to the end, sending the Buddha to the west, Bai Ze directly pulled everyone out of the swamp, if it wasn't for Ye Yayan's sake, it wouldn't bother to do such a thing.

It is a divine beast, how could such a divine beast do such a thing.

The golden flames around Ye Yayan still haven't receded, but the power to make people palpitate is much less. The most important thing is, looking at Ye Yayan at this time, there is no very strange feeling.

Fen Shi Jinyan came so inexplicably that Ye Yayan himself didn't know why he appeared.

What attracted Fenshi Jinyan's birth was also dependent on the guardian beast of the Fruit King of Life. The black light emitted from its body has the power of corrosion itself, which can turn everything into nothingness.

The same is true for Fen Shi Jin Yan.

In itself, there was flame in Ye Yayan's body, but it was covered by her blood. This time, after the blood in her body was completely fused, the flame in her body was naturally released.

However, because the time did not arrive, the flame hibernates in the body and does not appear. It also needs an opportunity, and it is also waiting for the opportunity.

This time, is an opportunity.

The black light emanating from the guardian beast was like a fuse, completely igniting the flame in Ye Yayan's body, which led to the birth of Fenshi Jinyan!

(End of this chapter)

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