Chapter 441
The moment Fen Shi Jinyan appeared, Luo Lihao, who was waiting outside the Black Wind Valley, noticed it.

After realizing that it was Fen Shi Jinyan, Luo Lihao frowned.

The birth of Fenshi Jinyan must be related to Ye Yayan, why is he so sure?

It was because the moment Fen Shi Jinyan was born, he felt a tremor in his blood.

You know, the blood in his body has merged with the blood in Ye Yayan's body. Although his bloodline is not as high as that of the demon king's bloodline and Ye Yayan's father's bloodline, his bloodline is also extraordinary.

Therefore, after noticing a slight tremor in his blood, he realized that this Fenshi Jinyan was summoned by Ye Yayan.

Although he didn't know the process, he knew that the Burning World Golden Flame was something Ye Yayan said.

However, this is also troublesome!

Fenshi Jinyan's strength is also well known, and there is no need to explain it at all.

Such a powerful thing was obtained by Ye Yayan, if people in the world knew about it, it would definitely set off a bloody storm.

If Ye Yayan had the strength to keep Fen Shi Jinyan, that would be fine, but the problem is, she has small arms and legs, and she simply doesn't have the strength to keep Fen Shi Jinyan.

Even though Fen Shi Jinyan is in Ye Yayan's body, even if others want to take it away, some people will hold the idea of ​​"If I can't get it, others can't get it".

They will destroy it.

The source of the destruction lies in Ye Yayan!

And the last thing he wanted was to put danger on Ye Yayan's body.

Therefore, if possible, he did not want the news of Fen Shi Jinyan's birth to spread.

It's just that his hope may be in vain.

After all, Ye Yayan is now in Wan Jianzong's territory.

However, fortunately, they did not know whose hands Fen Shi Jinyan was in, otherwise, Ye Yayan would have been hunted down.

At the moment when Fen Shi Jin Yan was born, the entire Wan Jian Sect was in a state of excitement.

Because they know a little more about Fen Shi Jin Yan than others.

The owner of Burning World Jinyan can open the secret treasure, the real secret treasure!

Even if they are the biggest behind-the-scenes of Wan Jianzong, they are very yearning for secret possession.

It's just that I haven't seen Fenshi Jinyan born all this time. I thought that Fenshi Jinyan would not be born, but I didn't expect Fenshi Jinyan to appear in their Wanjianzong's territory.

This is a real surprise.

Since he was already in their territory, no matter what he said, he would not let Fen Shi Jinyan slip away from their territory.

Of course, they also understood that Fenshi Jinyan must be in a person's body, and the reason why Fenshi Jinyan's power was released at this time was because that person did not control it.

No matter what the situation is, this time, they will definitely get Fen Shi Jinyan.

"How many people have entered here this time? Do you know anything about it?" the person sitting in a high position in Wanjianzong asked the people below.

He knew about Wan Jianzong's recruitment of inner sect disciples this time, but he was not interested in taking care of the actual operation. If it wasn't for the sudden birth of Fen Shi Jinyan, he wouldn't have learned about it at all.

"I don't know!"

"do not know!"

"I don't understand!"


Everyone below opened their mouths one after another, but no one said they knew or understood.

In fact, for these people, those who want to join Wan Jianzong, they will not bother to know their names, let alone understand them.

(End of this chapter)

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