Chapter 442
However, at this time, everyone regretted a little, regretting that they didn't get to know those people.

If they know the details of those people, or, they can know now who is the person who owns the Burning Golden Flame.

As long as you find that person and cultivate them, you will definitely be able to let them enter the secret store.

This is their ultimate goal.

If they missed this time, then they should slap themselves.

"We must also enter that place. No matter whether it is luck or whatever, we must find that person. Once we find that person, we will do our best to cultivate it!" Everyone knows this. Ming, even if you don't say it, everyone understands it.

Also because they understand, everyone tacitly understands it.

"I go!"

"I am coming too!"

"Of course I'm not behind!"

"Of course I'm going too!"


This time, everyone did not shirk, and wanted to enter the place where Ye Yayan was at this time.

You know, if the person is found out, then the subsequent things are related to entering the secret store.

Find that person and directly recognize him as a disciple. As a master, he will definitely be able to enter the secret treasury.

After everyone thought of this, their faces turned ruddy one after another. It was red from excitement.

They never thought that this time looking for cannon fodder, they would find such a number one person.

They didn't think about whether he would recognize them as teachers even if they found that person.

In their imagination, since they came to participate in this competition, they must want to join Wan Jianzong, but they didn't know that there were other circumstances.

For example, Ye Yayan, her purpose of joining Wanjianzong was not to become an inner disciple of Wanjianzong, but to obtain inside information of Wanjianzong.

Fortunately, the news of Fen Shi Jinyan's birth was only known to the senior management of Wan Jianzong, otherwise, the entire Sky Continent would be a sensation.

Soon, these people entered the place where Ye Yayan and the others were.

It's not that they have never been to this place, but after entering this place, they instinctively frowned.

Weird, this place, weird!
"Is this the place we have entered before?" Not only one person suspected, but everyone suspected that this place was not where they had been before, because this place was filled with a very uncomfortable atmosphere.

You know, they are members of Wan Jianzong, and they are also high-level officials of Wan Jianzong. They are also very familiar with their own place, but here, they feel some problems.

"Yes, but there is a problem! Let's take a look separately. Whoever finds that person sends a signal!" No matter who finds that person, they all want to participate.

But will they?
Everyone separated and began to search for the owner of the Fenshi Jinyan.

It's a pity that after they entered here, Ye Yayan's Fenshi Jinyan had all been absorbed into his body, and there was no trace of Fenshi Jinyan's breath leaking out.

At this time, only Bai Ze and the guardian beast knew that Ye Yayan was the owner of the Burning World Golden Flame.

Naturally, Bai Ze would not promote Ye Yayan's possession of the Burning World Golden Flame. As for the Guardian Beast, no one could understand what it said. Besides, it was already frightened by Ye Yayan, so it didn't know where to hide at this time went.

It is definitely very difficult to find the Guardian Beast, plus its hidden level.

Therefore, it is impossible for the people of Wan Jianzong to find the owner of the Fenshi Jinyan!
(End of this chapter)

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