The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 443 She Can Open the Secret Vault

Chapter 443 She Can Open the Secret Vault

"Master, Fenshi Jinyan, if it is not necessary, don't expose it!" Bai Ze reminded, knowing that Ye Yayan didn't know much about Fenshi Jinyan.

And as an understander, it must tell her the matter, which is a matter of Ye Yayan's life.

"Why?" If it's just a flame, there's no need to hide it, but from Bai Ze's words, it can be heard that this Burning World Flame is absolutely unusual.

In other words, what does the Burning World Jinyan represent.

"The Burning World Golden Flame is said to be a necessary condition for opening the secret treasury. Only those who have the Burning World Golden Flame can open the secret treasury, and even only the owner can take things from the secret treasury!" Since Ye Yayan It is the owner of the Fenshi Jinyan, so it is not too much to tell it the secret things in advance.

If Ye Yayan was not the owner of the Burning World Golden Flame, then it would never have told her about the secrets, and this would only increase her troubles.

But now it doesn't work.

"Secret possession? Why do I feel that I am involved in a very big conspiracy?" Ye Yayan's intuition has always been accurate, and this time, there may be no surprises.

The place where Bai Ze can say it so seriously must not be a simple place.

"It's not a conspiracy, but this place is very dangerous!" When Bai Ze said this, his face was full of seriousness.

"A place that can be called dangerous by you is probably really dangerous!" Even Bai Ze said that it was dangerous, so it must be extremely dangerous.

However, this place, can only those who own the Fenshi Jinyan be able to open it?
If that's the case, wouldn't she become a sweet potato?

"Master, once someone finds out about you, think about the consequences yourself!" Sweetie, that's impossible.

If someone finds out, they will definitely be kept in captivity. Although the secret store is dangerous, it is accompanied by a huge treasure. The advantages and disadvantages are relative. Moreover, if Ye Yayan's identity as the owner of the Burning World Jinyan is discovered, That would definitely do more harm than good.

"I know!" Ye Yayan naturally understood that no matter whether it was the identity of the owner of the Burning World Jinyan or other identities were discovered, she would definitely become the meat on other people's dinner plates.


Ye Yayan sighed faintly. If there are good things, people should not know about them. Is this asking her to be a low-key person?
Fortunately, she is not so high-profile, otherwise, I'm afraid she really can't hold back.

"Master, the top management of Wanjianzong are all on the move now. If you want to take revenge, you can take revenge or complain!" Bai Ze is also a restless master. Jianzong and Luo Lihao have any grudges, but it knows that now is the time to show its favor in front of Luo Lihao.

For Luo Lihao, the great god, it absolutely wanted to hold his thigh.

Once these high-ranking members of Wan Jianzong enter here, they will become a turtle in the urn and let them handle it.

Although there is still some gap in strength, they have means. The toxin in Ye Yayan's hands alone is not something ordinary people can contend with. Even god-level masters will lose their fighting power in a short period of time.

And once they lose their fighting power, that's when they do it.

"What's your purpose?" Ye Yayan didn't think that Bai Ze would do it, and he took the initiative to do it. What's more, this time, it was actually proposed by him.

This purpose is too obvious!

(End of this chapter)

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