Chapter 444

As soon as Ye Yayan asked this question, Bai Ze rolled his eyes.

Is it that obvious?

Is it acting too aggressively?
In fact, Bai Ze didn't know that it was indeed too aggressive this time, with its previous arrogant temperament, unless it was Ye Yayan who spoke, it would not hold back a word for a long time.

Fortunately, not only did he take the initiative to bring up the matter, but he even instigated Ye Yayan to do something wrong.

Although this suggestion is very good, it also depends on who is giving her the idea.

"Isn't it because of Luo Lihao!" Bai Ze knew that he had to tell the truth, otherwise, Ye Yayan would definitely break the casserole and ask the end.

"Luo Lihao? Hehe... You really have a heart!" Ye Yayan looked at Bai Ze with a half-smile, his eyes were full of weirdness.

It's not that Ye Yayan didn't believe Bai Ze's words, but felt very strange about Bai Ze's words. However, if Bai Ze said it was for Luo Lihao, then it would be understandable.

Bai Ze is not afraid of heaven and earth, but he is afraid of Luo Lihao.

Now that he is willing to work hard, I am afraid it is also to win Luo Lihao's favor. Even if he does not have a good impression, he can still show his presence.

You know, it's quite difficult to get a sense of presence in front of Luo Lihao, but this time, Bai Ze knew that if he could take the opportunity to kill a few high-level people of Wan Jianzong, then Luo Lihao would definitely remember it. it.

Although it is only the high-level Wan Jianzong on Yuntian Continent, which is different from the high-level Wan Jianzong in his world, at least he is also a member of Wan Jianzong.

"Then tell me, how should we strike?" Ye Yayan bit the word "strike" hard.

You know, the people who entered this place this time are all high-ranking members of Wan Jianzong. Although not all of them are god-level, at least they are all masters at the peak of the Zun-level.

These people, even if there is only one person, are not something she can deal with at present.

Of course, it would be a different matter if it was done secretly.

Facing the enemy head-on, she may not be their opponent, but in the dark, she still has a great advantage.

She has a lot of deadly toxins in her hands, even the Guardian Beast of the Fruit of Life is devastated by the toxins in her hands, let alone those from Wan Jianzong.

Therefore, as long as Bai Ze covers her and the two of them combine their swords, there is absolutely no problem.

The most important thing is that if Bai Ze is willing to make a move, he must be fully sure. If he is not sure, it will not say that at all.

"These people have already dispersed, we're picking the soft persimmons!" Ye Yayan doesn't know the strength of Bai Ze for the time being, but from what it speaks, after those Wan Jianzong people enter here, she knows , Bai Ze's strength must have surpassed that of a god-level powerhouse.

Because even a god-level powerhouse would not have such a strong perception.

But now, it still says it needs to pick soft persimmons, so it must be sure to find the right one.

"Okay, tell me, I'll do it, isn't it just to spread some poison!" Ye Yayan suddenly became full of pride, as long as he could add obstacles to Wan Jianzong, it would be worth paying some price.

What's more, judging from the current situation, she only needs to pay a little bit of poison.

"Master, I just refined some toxins specifically for god-level powerhouses!" This time, even You Lan came out, and even offered toxins.

If the toxin refined by Ye Yayan is quite powerful, then the toxin refined by You Lan is definitely fatal in one blow, and there is absolutely no room for turning around!

(End of this chapter)

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